The Future Of Computing? My review of AVP. Feb 20, 2024

Leisure Sunday afternoon in Spatial

Over the weekend, I spent 5 to 6 hours over two days, trying out the

new Apple Vision Pro, just recently released. I found the experience,

extremely delightful and better than expected. Just as most of the

reviewers pointed out, the eye and hand tracking was a “magical”

experience. It is a truly “game changing”. Even while typing text, I

was able to highlight certain.

Raj trying out his AVP in his backyard

words, edit, copy, and paste as in

any word processing document,

using the eye, hand tracking and

voice input, without a mouse . It

wasn’t perfect precision, but you

could certainly see the potential!

User Experience

From a UX perspective and VisionOS software perspective, Apple has

truly nailed it. For this V1 product , I could see myself using

VisionPro as a Sunday leisure activity. It’s incredible to experience

multiple apps open all around me in space, like listening to music

with Spatial Audio around you, browsing Safari on a large window in

front of you, watching a YouTube video to the side of you, and

interacting with 3D simulations like the Mars Rover, or an art

museum in front of you. I haven’t even had a chance to experience

watching a fully immersive feature film, which I heard is a highlight

of this V1 product.

I experienced all this sitting outside in my backyard, looking at a

partially immersed, Mount Hood environment in the background.

Being immersed in Mount Hood had me feeling like I was in Oregon.

I could feel the presence of the lake with the Spatial Audio sound

effects of the water ripple or the light rain falling against the water.

Sitting outside in my backyard, with the real wind blowing on my

face, added to this effect. It really did feel like I was teleported

to a new place. I wonder if we will be able to simulate “wind” in the

future :).

Lastly, the visual splendor of 4K resolution per eye and all the

associated optics tech, is clearly evident and much better than

anything I experienced in Meta. I never felt motion sickness at all,

which wasn’t the case when using Meta.

The headset & isolation

I have read some social media comments about using headsets,

questioning if it is the right way to experience spatial computing. I

also read about the “being in isolation” issue with headset . Both of

these are fair thoughts, however, after a small discussion on this

topic with my dad, here’s my conclusion.

Raj’s dad trying out the AVP for the first time

I’m not concerned about this headsets being a problem for spatial

computing. In my day-to-day life, I realize that I experience daily

activities more as an individual, or “individualistically”, than with

others. For example, I experience movies alone, I’m on my computer

or iPad experiencing my work alone on my devices. I’m even sitting

here in an airplane writing this blog alone, while listening to music

in my ear-pods. All that said, I do have

the presence of others around me in all

three examples. For example, when I do

watch a movie, my girlfriend is usually

next to me even though we both are

individually experiencing the movie

ourselves. Or here in the airplane, I have

other passengers sitting next to me. But

regardless of this, my experiences are

usually individualistic.

Headsets do not change this. It does not

create more isolation in the Apple Vision

Pro, especially in the mixed reality mode,

where you mix the real world with the

virtual world. That was the intent of what

Apple Vision Pro was designed for. On the other hand, wearing this headset has only enhanced real life with more audio, visual and

kinesthetic (ability to “do things”) effects around me. Basically, the

headset technology has just added another dimension of sense and

feeling, to stuff I already do and I believe using headsets for this

My dad, experiencing AVP form of computing, will work. After about 4 to 5 generations, we

will not need keyboards, mice or physical screens anymore and we

will believe stop ridiculing the, “computer on the Face” sentiment

being shared today.

Concluding Thoughts

To conclude my weekend review, I have been through many

innovation leaps in computing in my own career and life. From DOS

to Windows GUI (graphical user interface), the launch of the World Wide Web, touch screen interface and the smartphone revolution, AI & Chatbots… I believe Spatial computing will be yet another major leap we will undergo, and Apple (not Meta) has set the bar for this.

I realize that this is a very expensive generation 1 device with shortcomings. Although I don’t see myself using this every day right now, primarily because of what other reviewer have already said, e.g. lack of major App support, eye/ hand tracking not being perfected, the weight & comfort issue, simply taking time to get in and out of a

headset, etc., I definitely see this becoming a revolutionary shift in

the way we use computers in the future.

Are we moving towards a Ready Player One reality?

The question about if we moving towards a life like portrayed in

the movie, “Ready Player One” (a must-see for those who haven’t yet!),

has been a question being asked by many. My simple answer: I don’t

think so. The Mixed Reality experience, tied in with some Immersive

VR for special situations like training and education, will be the

most common scenario of using this new form of computing. We

might end up having two separate forms of wearables such as

googles and lighter glasses, but if long-term comfort can be

addressed, I think Apple’s approach of unified Mixed/ Immersive

spatial headset device makes sense. I don’t think we will ever want

to live or be living 100% in Virtual world exclusively but having the

benefits of both will be great.

All of the above is what I anticipated as I followed the rumors of

the development of this device over the last few years. I was

extremely excited when it was announced at WWC last year, watching

it at 2 Am in China, with my dog, Coco. The anticipation was huge.

My first experience, lived up to this hype. It was the first time I’ve

invested in a first generation Apple product and I personally will

dedicate my time and company resources in building spatial apps

for training and education, to take part in this new age.

This is not just a “toy”, a nice “media consumption device”, or

another “niche “ VR headset, as some have said. Apple (and Meta to a

lesser extent) our giving us a glimpse into the future of computing.

And I’m sold!


Here is my 3 minute unboxing video with some additional thoughts

such as the battery de-tether:



O’Interface — Disruptive Innovation

Global Citizen & International GoToMarket Freelancer. Visit my YouTube Channel: - stories behind innovation