ØDA: The Future of Asset-Backed Cryptocurrencies

Ø Crypto Union
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2018

For average Joe, the world of cryptocurrency can be incredibly confusing! Prior to being introduced to Bitcoin, the only type of ‘fiat’ that the ordinary person had heard of was one of four wheels and made in Italy! Whilst the common notions that Bitcoin is ‘digital gold’, a ‘store of wealth’ or a future ‘alternative global reserve currency’ are all valid perspectives, when considered graphically on a price chart, such labels can leave many dumfounded.

Undoubtedly, there are tremendous capital gains to be found through the newly-emerging cryptocurrency markets; however, it is also difficult to overlook the associated risks. How do investors hedge against idiosyncratic risk whilst exposing their position to market growth? Ø Crypto Union has the answer — ØDA!

ØDA, or Ø Diversified Asset, as the title suggests, is a security asset that offers market exposure to a diversified fund of assets across various classes. The fund has been structured with a prime focus of risk mitigation, offering price resilience against market swings.

Ø Crypto Union has full confidence in the robustness of the modelled portfolio, which is derived by way of applicative methods of empirical analysis through the use of Recurrent Neural Network models.

Holding wealth in fiat currencies, or fiat-backed cryptocurrencies, such as USDT, often lead to negative returns in real terms when accounting for inflation. Retrospective application of the ØDA fund distribution has found significantly higher returns than the aforementioned hedge.

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