ØDEX — traditional finance through securitization

Ø Crypto Union
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2018

Access to funding for small enterprises in less economically developed and newly industrialized countries is extremely limited. Banks often charge large interest premiums and use inappropriate loan assessment criteria for businesses in such localities. Traditional venture capital firms often employ stringent criteria, which are rarely met by small organizations. After recognizing the opportunity for such entities to connect with a growing currency system, Ø Crypto Union has brought cryptocurrency to small businesses and their communities through ØDEX.

Ø Crypto Union will revolutionise business fundraising by enabling audited SMEs to tokenize business shares as security tokens, thereafter, to be sold through private and public offerings.

Security tokens offer holders ownership exposure of the underlying asset; legal and economic rights are often extended to the holder through programmable equity as voting rights and dividend rights, respectively. Real estate ownership, stocks, venture capital shares can all be tokenized. Security tokens are bridging the gap between traditional financial assets with the blockchain. Through tokenization, financial assets are now becoming available to billions of prospective buyers around the globe. With a marketplace that is continuously active, with no limitation on trading hours, a marketplace with no middleman and thus, lower trading fees, a marketplace with higher liquidity on a decentralized network, reasoned speculation suggests that securitized assets will structure the future of blockchain technology.

ØDEX will be powered by the Ø Union Revolution token (ØUR), formerly, GXE. Listing fees on will be payable in ØUR. Given that ØUR extends equity rights to token holders, profits accrued by way of such listing and trading fees will facilitate quarterly dividend distributions.

In the coming future, Ø Crypto Union will enable the tokenization of almost any asset. At launch, ØDEX will offer trading pairs for ØUR and ØDA. Thereafter, Atomic Swap functionality will be incorporated. To follow, any securitized asset will be available for trade on ØDEX.

In addition to the above, Ø Crypto Union aspires to launch the ‘human potential’ token, where individuals will be able tokenize their prospects in aspirations of self improvement, capital investments for which, will be funded through token sales — an alternative to traditional student loans. ØDEX will extend support.

Ø Crypto Union strongly believe that tokenization will revolutionize seed finance, personal and business. With an ever-expanding team of passionate individuals across the globe, Ø Crypto Union seeks to lead through innovation with ØDEX.

