Sunday Sunset Summary- Week 21

Ø Crypto Union
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2018

Given the tremendous leap of accomplishment with our recent EMI acquisition, I felt that this week would be an ideal moment to use this week’s Sunday Summary to reflect and celebrate the journey so far!

It would be an understatement to say that a lot has changed since I took the opportunity to join the team back in May! Having been an early investor and supporter of the project, I was already familiar with Fabien and great things the team were working on before coming onboard. Even then though, I could not have predicted how far the project would evolve since its initial conception.

Transitioning from Genevieve to Ø;

There was a lot of anticipation leading up to the rebranding to become Ø. Amongst the team itself, there were nerves aplenty as to how the new image would be received. Certain aspects of the move were not a smooth as we might have liked. The first version of the website received from the branding agency was fraught with bugs, social media platforms were unhelpful in the change-over (to say the least Facebook!), the list goes on! In the end, the team pulled through, together. Excepting for some slight confusion as to the correct pronunciation of “Ø”, we now stand stronger than ever with a clean, crisp and importantly, distinctive brand image.

Producing Partnerships and Products;

2018 has been a tough year for the crypto economy. The fever pitch we all witnessed at the end of last year led a lot of platforms to think they were invincible. While it’s true that we here at Ø have been affected by the summers bear-market, it’s no coincidence that we have come out of the other side with forceful tenacity. The focus and direction of the project have always centred upon creation first and foremost above all. Through trial and tribulation, the team has continued to build. ØPay, the proverbial jewel in our crown, is sleek, fast, efficient and most importantly, user-friendly. The partnerships we have forged, both with world-leading blockchain technology protocols and those strategic to our growth and expansion, will give the stability and strength Ø Crypto Union requires to thrive going forward. And these are just the beginning!

Communicating with our Members (you guys!);

There were several issues with communication between the team and the community when I first joined the team. Many were confused as to how the project was moving forward and what was happening with development. I’m thankful to say that in my time here we’ve improved in this area immensely! There are now more ways to stay up to date and ask questions of the team than ever. Our Discord channel has been a massive improvement upon the Telegram thread in keeping you guys in the loop with everything we do. It’s a great way to keep the Sunday summaries and other announcements organised, although of course, you can still reach out to me through Telegram if you prefer!

The Road ahead;

While in the light of the massive achievement of our Paynetics EMI partnership celebrations are indeed warranted (I’m sure even Fabien himself had a sore head the morning after signing this deal!), there is undoubtedly still much to do! Over the coming months, we’ll be working harder than ever to build our memberships and grow our community, list upon new exchanges and grow Ø to new heights.

Atop of Scafell Pike (the highest peak in England), showing off our Ø jackets!

It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know everyone in the team and community in my time here so far. I can’t wait to see how much we can all achieve together over the years to come and we can look back and laugh at these early nervous days! As always, if you ever have any questions, comments, suggestions or just want a chat about anything Crypto then send me a message (preferably via Discord!).

For now, though, let us revel in the victory of this amazing recent victory! I hope you’re all looking forward to getting your ØPay Crypto Union Credit Cards as much as I am! Coming early October…!


