The transition from Genevieve to Ø

Ø Crypto Union
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2018

“Problems, however, are rarely solved on the spur of the moment. They must be organized and dissected, then key issues isolated and defined. A period of gestation then sets in, during which these issues are mulled over. You put them in your mind and consciously or unconsciously work at them at odd hours of the day or night — even at work. It is somewhat analogous to trying to place a name on the face of someone you’ve met before. Often the solution to a problem comes to you in much the same way you eventually recall the name.”

William Redington Hewlett

Genevieve & Cie were first established in 2014 with the main goal and vision of incorporating capital into small businesses to stimulate growth for both investors and local economies. Founder and CEO, Fabien Dureuil, comes from a background more than 10 years of experience in finance, legal and financial engineering, leveraged in the Wealth Management sector.
In 2015 Fabien was first introduced to the world of blockchain technology. He was struck by the similarity between tokenization and securitization in the financial world.


After finding early success with the initial fundraising phase of GXCoin, the decision was taken to evolve the vision first conceived by the original team. GXC, an ERC20 token, was replaced with a unique dual-token system of GXVC and GXE, both utilizing the innovative ERC223 format.


Prior to the second stage crowd-sale, Fabien was in Abidjan, holding key negotiations with members of local government. It was whilst there, that he was introduced to Adli Takkal Bataille. Adli, an early investor in Bitcoin and other blockchain projects, they quickly found common ground in discussing the lack of real-world financial services available to holders of digital assets.

As the second round funding stage was nearing completion, Adli joined Genevieve as Director of Strategy helped Fabien troubleshoot issues faced with the marketing of the project. Simultaneously, the rapidly expanding and evolving team were able to benefit from an investment in private equity.

Now, in the Summer of 2018, Genevieve has utilized its equity to begin to nurture it’s ambitions of a fully self-sufficient system of democratic banking, proving a platform real-world financial services necessary for the crypto-economy. An evolved product platform that enables that original ambitions of Genevieve to come to life, whilst building the infrastructure of other services around it in order to ensure it’s long-term stability and ability to thrive in this volatile economy.

This platform of products, controlled and owned by its members, will be the first of it’s kind, a ‘crypto union’.

