Yogain Appchain Joins Octopus Network

Octopus Star Prize Winner, Yogain, to become an Appchain in the Octopus Network

Octopus Wolfi
Omnity Network
2 min readJul 1, 2022


Octopus Star Prize Winner, Yogain, to become an Appchain in the Octopus Network

The Octopus Network is delighted to partner with recent Accelerator Program Octopus Star Prize winner, Yogain, who has chosen to become an Appchain Candidate in the Octopus Network.

Yogain is a Web3 Yoga App building decentralized solutions for a flourishing global yoga market in need of high-quality, user-friendly, interactive virtual yoga content.

Yoga-to-Earn with AI-Powered Technique Feedback

Yogain uses AR technology to both guide and evaluate the technique of yoga practitioners from their mobile device. The higher the performance, the higher the token rewards.

Yoga GameFi

Yogain’s GameFi elements incentivize users to continue with yoga practice. Free-to-Practice mode onboards new users. Practice-to-Earn mode incentivizes commitment via level progression.

Yoga SocialFi

Yogain’s Social Network enables Live Class Interaction functions for community networking and finding yoga buddies. In-app NFT items can be transferred, sold, or leased via a built-in marketplace, wallet, and swap function.

Recipient of the Octopus Network Star Prize Grant Summer 2022

Yogain is a recent Octopus Star Prize Winner in the Summer 2022 Accelerator Program Showcase Day and a recipient of 50k USD in grants from the Octopus Network Foundation.

The Octopus Network is looking forward to seeing the Yogain Appchain develop!

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