What Is Octa All About

Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2019

The average Nigerian thinks of how to increase his worth daily. Self-worth may include image, lifestyle items like houses cars, babes/guys, connection and most importantly money. It makes no sense to restate that riches come by embracing investments. The question, however, is how does one get such bulk money to invest? This is where Octa comes in.

Octa helps forward-thinking Nigerians save towards a goal. The savings is done by automated daily, weekly or monthly deductions from the user’s source to the Octa account. This way, the user enjoys a hassle-free savings plan.

The next big benefit of octa is that users of the platform enjoy higher interest rates on their savings than if they had kept the money at a traditional banking alternative. Octa’s interest is actually even up to 4X and above what alternatives gives. And when stacked with other similar platforms, we rank among the highest platforms of earning sizable returns.

How should you see Octa?

See Octa as that platform where you can use to consistently save towards a goal you have in mind. See Octa as that platform that gives you what you desire the most from your regular banks; convenience, speed and better ROI on savings. Lastly and most importantly, see Octa as that community where you can save what you would have otherwise spent.

How to enjoy Octa?

Simple!, just head over to Playstore or App store and download OCTA. Then confirm your account via the email, set up your card on the app and create a savings goals. You can even set more than one goal.

Ready to start? Go ahead.


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Stay on top of your game and don’t forget to save … using Octa!



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A savings and investment app for forward-thinkers like you.