Sakshi From Octet
Octet Design Studio
8 min readJul 10, 2024


10 Best Dashboard Design Ideas to Watch in 2024

In today’s information-drenched world, making sense of complex data can feel like navigating a stormy ocean. This is where your dashboard design ideas emerge as a compass, transforming raw numbers into actionable visual landscapes.

However, these dashboards are used for more than just data presentation; they can potentially revolutionize any platform’s UI/UX.

This article will explore the top 10 dashboard design examples that dominate the digital market. These dashboard design inspirations will enhance your platform’s aesthetics and improve functionality and user experience. So, let’s look at the best dashboard designs that will unlock the true potential of data-driven decision-making in 2024.

What are Dashboard Designs?

Consider a theater performance where, along with on-stage artists, backstage volunteers play a crucial role in ensuring its success. Similarly, picture dashboards as the backstage organizers who ensure that your interaction with a website is smooth and efficient. They are graphical representations that offer quick control panels to access large amounts of complex data in a simplified way.

A dashboard isn’t just about pretty graphs. It’s your gateway to data, connecting you to the back end of a digital space to access crucial information smoothly. These dashboards are a game-changer in the digital landscape. They don’t just organize data but also present it efficiently, helping you seamlessly navigate through the overwhelming information daily. While working on the UI/UX design of your project, dashboards serve as an invaluable tool for streamlining your process and enhancing user experience.

Types of Dashboards

1. Operational Dashboards

Operational dashboards provide real-time information using predefined key metrics and KPIs to display transactional or real-time data. These dashboards offer up-to-the-minute data updates and are integrated into daily process procedures.

2. Strategic Dashboards

Strategic dashboards monitor KPIs over time, allowing executives to track revenue, taxes, amortization, or financial performance monthly, quarterly, or annually. Instead of focusing on daily progress, strategic dashboards offer a comprehensive corporate perspective.

3. Analytical Dashboards

Analytical dashboards combine large volumes of historical, real-time, qualitative, and quantitative data. Initially designed for data analysts, non-specialists can now use low-code analytics tools like Power BI to independently collect and analyze data and construct stunning dashboards. Examples include healthcare analytics dashboards, sales trend comparisons, and digital marketing campaign analyses.

10 Best Dashboard Design Examples

1. Dashboard Design Inspiration from Asana

Asana is a popular project management and collaboration tool that allows users to create and manage tasks, projects, and to-do lists. The platform facilitates communication and collaboration among team members by providing a centralized platform for planning, tracking progress, and sharing project information.

Their dashboard strategically places metrics and actionable items at the center of the screen for users to take immediate action, increasing session duration. The visual hierarchy uses larger fonts and bold colors to emphasize critical details like overdue tasks and upcoming milestones. Incorporating charts and graphs enhances data-driven decision-making by visually presenting project data such as completion rates and pending tasks. The clean and minimal design prioritizes essential information, and features like drag-and-drop functionality, interactive elements, and color coding contribute to a streamlined and customizable user experience.

2. Jira’s Dashboard Design Example

Jira is a widely used project management and issue-tracking tool developed by Atlassian. It helps teams plan, track, manage, and report on their work collaboratively and efficiently. Their modern dashboard design offers a card-based layout that organizes information into visually distinct cards for effortless comprehension.

Customizable dashboards enable users to select preferred metrics and data points and provide various widgets for diverse data visualizations. Interactive elements facilitate more profound analysis by clicking on specific cards, and the configurable layout allows gadgets to be reordered and personalized for individual needs.

3. Zoho’s Simple Dashboard Example

Zoho is a suite of cloud-based software applications designed for businesses, offering tools like project management, CRM, and collaboration. Zoho’s dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of project progress, task management, and team collaboration, catering to individual and team needs.

With a card-based design, it organizes information into visually distinct cards, offering efficient scanning and customization options. The dashboard includes modules such as Project Overview, Task Management View, Gantt Chart, Collaboration Feed, and Time Tracking Reports. Color-coded indicators, interactive elements, and a clean interface ensure real-time insights, intuitive navigation, and seamless collaboration.

4. Dashboard Design Idea from Xero

Xero is a cloud-based accounting software solution for small and medium businesses, offering financial tools to streamline accounting processes. Its simple dashboard design provides real-time access to financial data and integrates with various third-party apps. The card-based layout enables users to tailor the display of critical data points to their specific needs.

Performance trends are visualized through charts, aiding in identifying patterns for strategic decision-making. The clean and modern design uses monochromatic colors, and charts and graphs make complex financial information understandable, facilitating informed decision-making.

5. QuickBooks’ Website Dashboard Example

QuickBooks Online is a cloud-based financial management software allowing users to access and manage their financial data from any internet-connected device. The platform’s dashboard offers a readily accessible overview of vital financial metrics and business health, supporting informed decision-making and efficient financial management.

Its card-based design organizes information into visually distinct cards for swift comprehension, offering customization options to display priority data points. Interactive elements enable users to access detailed reports and perform deeper analyses by clicking on specific cards.

6. Dashboard Design Inspiration from Workday

Workday is a cloud-based software suite providing enterprise-level HR, financial management, and business planning solutions. Their dashboard organizes information into customizable modules focusing on specific areas. The tile-based navigation uses interactive tiles representing different data points and insights, promoting user engagement and data exploration. Data visualization features, including charts, graphs, and color-coding, make complex data understandable, and drill-down capabilities allow users to navigate from summary dashboards to detailed reports.

7. Zuper’s Creative Dashboard Design

Zuper is a workforce and operations management platform designed to streamline scheduling, task management, and communication for field service teams. Their dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of KPIs across various aspects of asset management, enabling informed decision-making and efficient workflow management.

The sectioned design segments information into clear sections (jobs, customers, quotations, invoices, etc.) for visual clarity and ease of navigation. Each section uses cards to organize data points by status or category, allowing for quick scanning and identification of critical information. Interactive elements make cards clickable, leading to deeper reports or drill-down options for detailed analysis.

8. YouTube Studio Analytics Dashboard

YouTube Analytics is a tool that YouTube uses to monitor and analyze the performance of channels and videos. Creators use YouTube Studio Analytics to track the performance of their content, identify trends, better understand their audience, and optimize their content strategy to improve viewership and engagement.

Using a card-based design, they structured the platform’s layout for efficient information processing. Creators can customize their dashboard by selecting specific cards and data points according to their preferences. Interactive elements enhance user experience, with hover-over tooltips and clickable cards providing access to in-depth reports and drill-down options.

9. Dashboard Design Idea from Google Analytics

Google Analytics allows users to analyze different aspects of their website. It tracks, monitors, and offers valuable data to users so that they can make informed decisions that benefit their business. The Google Analytics dashboard features a card-based design where information is presented in visually distinct cards for easy scanning and comprehension. It offers a modular approach, allowing users to select and arrange modules according to their unique requirements and preferences. Interactive elements enhance user experience, with additional details revealed by hovering over cards and detailed reports accessible by clicking.

10. Mailchimp’s Simple Dashboard Design

Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform offering various marketing tools to help businesses understand, engage, and grow their audience. Their dashboard provides a comprehensive view of email subscribers, assisting in formulating strategies for enhanced audience engagement.

Its modular layout allows for customizable modules focusing on demographics, engagement metrics, and list growth trends. This dashboard design emphasizes interactivity and visual clarity, including charts, graphs, and color-coded data, and promotes informed decision-making. The mobile-friendly design ensures accessibility across devices for on-the-go management.

Best Practices for Creative Dashboard Design

1. Define Goal and Audience

Specify the goals and actions you want users to take on the dashboard. Present the information simply, uncluttered, and attractively to increase user satisfaction and overall experience.

2. Prioritize Essential Content

Include only vital metrics that align with your goals and KPIs. Avoid too much information and place elements to contribute to the overall purpose of the dashboard. If space is limited, consider multiple dashboards for clarity.

3. Choose Simple Visualization

Select visualizations that are simple, easy to understand, and can represent complex data understandably. Avoid intricate options like pie charts; use bar charts, line graphs, and tables to display your dashboard effectively.

4. Group-Related Metrics

Arrange your dashboard logically by grouping related metrics. This enhances visibility and elevates the overall design appeal. Experiment to find what works best for your board, and label your groups for quick identification.

5. Consistency

Maintain consistency in your dashboard design, especially when presenting the same metrics for different items. Using uniform visualizations and layouts across groups enhances readability and visual appeal. A consistent approach ensures clarity and cohesiveness.

6. Get Feedback

Continuously improve your dashboard by seeking feedback from your team on what they find most useful and identify any missing elements. Use this input to refine your dashboard, ensuring it aligns with your goals.

Benefits Of Creating Modern Dashboard Designs

1. Clarity and Understanding

A well-designed dashboard helps you present information attractively, reducing cognitive load and making it easier for users to understand complex data quickly.

2. Efficiency

Users can quickly access and interpret relevant information, streamlining decision-making processes and improving efficiency. Thorough user research and usability testing ensure that the dashboard design idea and functionality meet users’ needs.

3. Increased User Satisfaction

Intuitive and user-friendly modern dashboard designs assist in easy navigation, making users accomplish tasks efficiently and increasing satisfaction.

4. Enhanced Decision-Making

Users can make decisions more effectively with a dashboard with comprehensive and organized data, KPIs, and trends. Usability testing refines dashboard functionalities to ensure users can easily extract actionable insights.

5. Customization and Personalization

Creative dashboard designs allow users to customize their view, tailoring the display of information to their specific needs and preferences.

6. Reduced Errors

Clear visualizations and intuitive design reduce the chances of user errors, ensuring they interact with the dashboard confidently. User research and iterative design processes help identify potential pain points and optimizations to minimize errors and enhance user confidence.

7. Time-Saving

A well-designed dashboard minimizes users’ time searching for information, enabling them to focus on analysis and decision-making.


In this ever-evolving digital landscape, where information overflow is the norm, a practical and best dashboard design goes beyond aesthetics. Your dashboard design idea should seamlessly blend intuition and user-friendly data interpretation, drawing insights from thorough user research and usability testing.

Our exploration of the ten best dashboard design inspirations offers a sneak peek into data visualization’s evolving trends and future. The examples provided in this blog showcase the importance of UI/UX design in creating intuitive and user-friendly dashboards. Craft exceptional and modern dashboard designs by placing users at the forefront, ensuring easy navigation and customization through thoughtful UI development practices.

