10 Facts About: Daniela Pacheco

Clare Brown
Octoly Magazine
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2017

Today we are catching up with the gorgeous Daniela Pacheco. We love watching Daniela’s videos because she has an amazing personality and talent for days. We hope you enjoy learning more about this beauty guru today!

I was inspired to start a YouTube channel because…

I fell in love with makeup and the art behind it. I was instantly glued to every YouTube Channel I can think of when I began high school and thought to myself, “How cool would it be if I could do this, too?” It wasn’t until a few years after high school that I bought a video camera and started having fun with it.

My favorite kind of video to film is…

Get Ready With Me’s! I feel they’re definitely the easiest one’s to relate to. You can really see someone getting ready unscripted in a Get Ready With Me and that’s what I love most about them! Along with Get Ready With Me’s, I LOVE filming videos of doing makeup on other people. They’re just so easy to watch and fun to do.

The makeup or fashion brand I love the most is…

MAC Cosmetics. It’s the first brand I ever fell in love with and the only company I have ever worked for if it wasn’t for myself.

My 3 favorite YouTube friends are…

Tredayymua, evieGEEmakeup, ShanneysBeauty. I’ve worked with all three of them personally and they’re talent is beyond this world!

I like to work with Octoly because…

They’ve opened up so many doors for me and have allowed me to work with a variety of different brands I wouldn’t have been able to work with if it were just me.

My ultimate goal for my channel is…

Simply to inspire people! If I can inspire just one person, that means the world to me.

The song that is looping on my iPod is…

Something my subscribers probably don’t know yet is…

I have a 9-year-old maltese poodle who is my WORLD!

A picture or a GIF that represents you the best is…

