Everyone’s talking about this new lotion that makes you fall asleep faster!

Clare Brown
Octoly Magazine
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2017

Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you toss and turn and end up watching hours of Netflix or reading all night long only to wake up exhausted and stressed the next day? Well, we might just have the perfect solution for you (and it’s affordable, too! Double win!)

Sleep is an incredibly important part of staying physically and mentally healthy. In fact, not getting the recommended eight hours of sleep per night can increase your risk of getting cancer, make you more forgetful and scatter brained, lower your libido, and make you gain weight! So you definitely want to get your beauty rest. Sleep is clearly an essential part of looking and feeling your best.

But for some, a good night’s sleep seems nearly impossible to come by. The busy and stressful lifestyle we all have can lead to restless and sleepless nights that leave you even more stressed. But at the same time, dramatic remedies like a sleeping pill seem too scary to take.

Well, apparently Lush, the creators of wonderful, all-natural and vegetarian beauty and skincare products have a lotion that helps you fall asleep! Apparently, this hidden gem is a favorite amongst beauty junkies on Reddit. So what is this magical product? It’s called Sleepy and it’s a hand and body lotion by Lush. Here’s what they say about it on their site:

Soothe your senses

Slather on this gorgeous pale purple lotion, breathe in its sweet, comforting lavender and tonka perfume and you’ll instantly feel at ease. Glycerin, cocoa butter and almond oil work together to moisturize skin and lock in hydration to keep skin soft, supple and comfortable all day or all night long. Say hello to your new nightly ritual! Zzz…

Sounds pretty amazing, right? Well apparently this product works really, really well! If you don’t believe us check out the 139 rave reviews on their website. And it appears a though YouTubers love this products as well!

At only $10 a bottle, this product is definitely a must try if you have any sort of sleep issues. So how does it all work? Well, according to Byrdie Beauty, Sleepy boasts a particularly potent aromatherapeutic blend of lavender and tonka bean, the former of which has been clinically shown to significantly reduce anxiety and pain. And that’s not even to mention that thanks to glycerin, cocoa butter, and almond oil, your skin will be soft as you snooze.

We love the idea of an all natural skincare product that can replace harsh sleeping medication and give you gorgeous skin to boot, all at a really great price! What are you waiting for?! Go ahead and buy this lotion.

Personally, we can’t wait to give this product a try! Have you tried it yet? Did it live up to the hype? Let us know in the comments section below!

Sweet dreams!

