How to Create a Killer YouTube Thumbnail

Latasha James
Octoly Magazine
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2016

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably already aware how important your YouTube thumbnail is when attracting people to your videos. A thumbnail image is the first thing a viewer sees before clicking on your content, and besides the title, is the most descriptive piece of supporting content you have for your videos.

Use the following tips to make your stand out from the rest.

Maintain a consistent look and feel.

We recommend using similar fonts, colors, or themes throughout all of your thumbnails so your viewers can automatically recognize your videos. It will also help your YouTube channel page look more curated and cute; think of it as a mini Instagram theme.

Use an editing program or app.

Don’t settle for a boring still photo… Edit to make it stand out! If you don’t have Photoshop, PicMonkey or Canva are the next best things. Add text overlays, brighten your photo, create collages, or add a border. These elements really help your thumbnail pop and draw viewers into your videos.

Make sure it’s the right size!

There’s nothing worse than a great image that gets cut off in all the wrong places. Size your thumbnail to 1280 x 720 and make sure it’s saved in .jpg, .gif, .bmp, or .png format. With that said, don’t forget that your thumbnail will be seen differently across devices and throughout different sections of YouTube. Make sure to add large text and clear images so it’s readable!

Thumbnail looking good? Great! Now put it to good use by ordering some freebies from the Octoly Free Store!

