This Is Why You’re Losing Instagram Followers

Clare Brown
Octoly Magazine
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2018

“It seems like for every Instagram follower I gain I lose two!” lamented one Instagrammer.

Many other Instagram influencers feel the same way. Their follower count goes through confusing high and lows that can make even the most seasoned influencer feel discouraged. However, losing Instagram followers isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, now that the platform is bigger than ever, losing followers is perfectly normal. Here are a few of the main reasons why you could be losing followers.

Spam Accounts

Instagram is really cracking down on spam accounts. So if you log on one day and notice you are down a few followers, it is probably another sweep of spam accounts. Losing a spam follower should be nothing to you. They were not a quality follower anyway and they were messing with your engagement score which is more important anyway.

People are intentionally trimming their follow list

Remember when Facebook was new and you friended everyone including random people from middle school that you barely even talked to back then? Then, as you gradually started to understand Facebook you probably trimmed your follower list to only include close family and friends.

Many people are doing the same thing on Instagram. As they become more experienced with the platform they are only following select people. Many people are only following people they know personally as well. This is nothing to take personally and is a normal part of any social platform as its user experience matures.

Your content changed

Change is good, but it can impact your follower count. If you did a permanent or temporary shift in your content, you can expect to lose some followers. Again, that is fine and nothing normal. Your updated niche will entice new followers anyway

Why losing followers isn’t a bad thing

We’ve said it before and we will say it say it again: your follower account isn’t important unless those followers are engaging with you. If people choose to unfollow you because they are no longer interested in your content, then good riddance! Having followers that don’t engage will only hurt your account in the long run.

It is better to have a smaller, highly engaged account that a massive one where people do not interact.

In short, if you are losing followers here and there first, know that you’re not alone. Second, know that losing uninterested follows will help you because they likely wouldn’t have engaged with you anyway.

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