It’s time to put your life on the line…

Francisco Cordoeiro
NOVA Wealth
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2019

Don’t panic. I’m not suggesting you take any unnecessary or foolish risks. What I’m really talking about is how putting your life on the line can actually improve your financial well-being.

Intrigued!? Let me explain…

At Octopus Wealth, we help people build their “Lifeline” — a unique visual representation of their future and the key moments that are important to them, set against their financial projections.

In simple terms, the Lifeline takes your current financial situation — your pensions, savings and investments, any future expenses you have planned, your ability to save, and your appetite for investment risk, and maps it against the big plans you have for your future, like your retirement and family events.

Once built, the Lifeline helps to give you relevant financial insights and answer some of the big questions like ‘Can I afford my dream retirement lifestyle?’ ‘Can we afford to help the kids buy their first house?’ ‘Do we have enough set aside to be able to look after ourselves when we get older?’ And it can also throw up some red flags along the way, if your situation changes.

Because the good news is that with enough early warning and some smart financial planning, it can be possible to navigate the twists and turns that life throws at you, to make sure your Lifeline stays on track.

And that’s exactly what we do at Octopus Wealth. Our team of financial planners will help you stay on top of the changes that come your way — whether they be in your life, or in the rules and regulations at work around you — to make sure you’re tracking the right course. We call it life planning!

So, are you ready to put your life on the line?

If the answer’s yes, find out more about us and how we work today.

Originally published at on April 9, 2019.

