Octoracle ๐Ÿ™โ˜€๏ธ Summer Update!

New code, new user interface, new hire! A summary of what our team has been working on the past months



Yes it has been quiet around Octoracle, hereโ€™s why.

We are close to finishing the code refactoring, that started in spring this year. Why refactor code one might ask? To improve it! Refactoring means looking at the code previously built, define what is and whatโ€™s not needed anymore and then rewrite it from scratch. This leads to reduced redundancies, better performance, more streamlined logic and in the end offers a more smooth app experience.

New Backend!

Not only was the old logic refactored, but also new features were added to the backend, most prominent one being: Our API is now ready for REST and websocket signals and can communicate with the four big exchanges: Binance, Bittrex, Bitfinex and Kraken.

Since we are a very small team of four people, it meant all hands on deck each time our industrious devs pushed out a new build. Since that happened quite often the last couple of months, the main focus was on testing our many different use cases, contexts and scenarios that canโ€™t be covered with automated tests.

That being said and confronted with a workload thatโ€™s steadily growing together with ideas that wonโ€™t stop flowing, we decided to hire an additional frontend developer! The scouting and interview process is done and weโ€™ll announce the new hire after a trial month has been successfully completed.

Since adding new (remote!) members to the team impacts the dynamic and flow of the project, we decided to take the opportunity and remodel our current workflow. The goal is to facilitate a more efficient production and testing process, as well as streamline the product and project management.

New look!

Not only is the backend brand new, we also revamped the user interface! Itโ€™s now more accessible, touch screen friendly and comprehensive than before.
In the coming days, we will follow up with the start of our youtube tutorial series, showcasing the new look and feel of our next iteration.

๐ŸŽฎ Visit our website & try Octoracle โ€” 1 month for free!

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if you appreciate and care.

