OCYAN — Practical Blockchains for Telcos

How We Provided a Blockchain Solution for a Telecoms Giant

Evangelos Pappas
Ocyan Cloud


Telefónica originally approached Ocyan as they needed a Blockchain infrastructure to support their extensive operations. Find out how we delivered the perfect solution by reading our case study.

Telefónica is a Spanish telecoms giant with operations in 14 and a presence in 24 countries. The company employs over 120,000 telecom professionals and has a consolidated revenue of over 346 million.

With such extensive operations, they needed a scalable Blockchain solution that could work over multiple environments for multiple Blockchains and provide an enterprise-grade SLA & support.

Launching Our Partnership with Telefónica

We initially met with Telefónica’s tech-team to uncover their unique Blockchain needs and how we could support them. All of our Blockchain partnerships start with an initial information gathering meeting, which allows us to truly dive into the customers’ requirements and whether a Blockchain solution is right for them.

We were excited about the opportunity to work with a leading provider in the telecom industry with a practical global vision.

Introducing Next-Generation Network TrustOS

Our work with Telefónica centred around, helping them launch a new product called TrustOS, which allows them to offer an API-based service to their customers.

TrustOS is a complete Blockchain solution that breaks down the complexities of the technology to make it more accessible for everyone. TrustOS is underpinned by three essential pillars:

  • Simple. Customers only have to install simple APIs for their app or service to access the Blockchain.
  • Open. Customers aren’t locked in to a vendor or technology and have control over the evolution and development of the software.
  • Telco-Grade. Connecting to the Blockchain is as easy as connecting to the Internet or making a phone call.

On a more high-tech level, TrustOS is an API served as a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), which allows Telefónica to distribute apps for tracking & tracing, settlements, tokenisation and trust operations.

Adding a Layer of Trust to Business Operations

Blockchain solutions, like TrustOS, provide many benefits to organisations, especially when it comes to building trust. It allows companies to improve internal processes, generate efficiencies and enable new business models to unlock new revenue streams.

Telefónica built TrustOS to allow companies to deploy this TRUST layer in their network. TrustOS is a proprietary Software component deployed on the network that enables companies to easily see a return from their blockchain investment.

With TrustOS, organisations can expand and leverage their blockchain capabilities, such as information immutability, the consensus among the participants in the process, transparency and reinforced security, without devoting time or money to training and development. Companies don’t need to invest in upskilling employees’ skills or understanding of blockchain and don’t need to join an industry consortium.

TrustOS makes it easy for anyone to benefit from blockchain technology without grappling with the technology’s inherent complexities.

How Our Solution Allowed TrustOS to be Scalable & Deployable

For TrustOS to successfully operate, it needed to work across different Blockchains as well as Cloud Providers or Data Centers. It also needed to be scalable.

We provided the underlying “engine” of TrustOS, which helped Telefónica achieve their ambitions of creating a scalable and deployable solution. With our help, TrustOS can provide agile and scalable end-user applications.

The first version of TrustOS uses the latest Hyperledger Fabric 1.4.4 nodes on the Cloud Garden environment. This solution also has enterprise-grade features such as RAFT, LDAP for authentication and multi-org management.

Trusted by Dozens of Wayra Startups & BLOCKPCT

Dozens of startups within the Wayra Blockchain Activation Programme currently use TrustOS.

TrustOS makes it easy to minimise the complexities of blockchain integration and time to market, which allowed these startups to quickly expand their blockchain capabilities in a wide range of fields. Today, TrustOS is used within the collection of evidence of copyright-infringing media, traceability of transport connections of artworks, provenance and ownership certifications, trusted digitalisation of ground transport processes and cybersecurity-related solutions to name a few.

BLOCKPCT, the blockchain network sponsored by APTE (Spanish Association of Technological and Scientific Parks), also uses TrustOS within their solution. This ambitious initiative, initially deployed using hyper ledger fabric software, aims to be one of the largest generic-purpose blockchain private networks in the world.

As part of this initiative, over 50 parks will provide blockchain infrastructure and services to more than 8,000 companies hosted in the park. Companies will be able to establish secure connections with others in the park and use the network to interact digitally in a core efficient and safe way. Each company will also be able to take advantage of the benefits of blockchain and develop and test their own solutions before deploying their own infrastructure or joining an industry consortium.

Telefónica’s Unique Blockchain Vision

We were proud to work on such an innovative and forward-thinking project.

Telefónica believes there are two key challenges any company must face before adopting blockchain into their business:

  1. The realisation that the organisation needs a scalable, decentralised infrastructure that doesn’t create additional management complexities for the operations team. This infrastructure will help the opps team manage environments fitting other requirements in a centralised world.
  2. A lack of reliable, affordable proposals in the market for production support & service.

Very few providers can deliver solutions for both challenges while also providing the necessary guarantees for a productive environment, especially for business-critical systems where incidents would have a direct impact on the company’s operations.

“Ocyan is one of the providers dealing with this challenge and its tools and services help companies in building end-to-end solutions and integrating blockchain infrastructure with existing legacy and cloud services. Deploying and monitoring of complex ecosystems like BLOCKPCT is easier and more efficient thanks to advanced automation, monitoring and analytics tools developed by Ocyan. These kinds of added value can make the difference and encourage new companies to enter blockchain seamlessly as part of their digital transformation journey.” — Alberto G. Castro, Blockchain Technologists at Telefónica

Discover Blockchain Infrastructure from Ocyan

The need for trusted, traceable, transparent and secure data has become paramount as Fintechs and telecoms are aiming to provide a more ubiquitous service, but legacy and in-house infrastructure struggle to provide the required flexibility to integrate and scale.

Ocyan accelerates the digital transformation of organizations with emerging technologies by providing a plug-and-play platform that deploys, monitors, manages, orchestrates and integrates secured networks powered by enterprise blockchain technology.

Experience the power of Ocyan today.

Originally published at https://ocyan.com on March 27, 2020.



Evangelos Pappas
Ocyan Cloud

I am building data-driven platforms for the #metaverse and #web3