Case Study — Aibo : decentralized NFT social platform

Odama Studio
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2022
Preview of the project

About the client

Aibo is a decentralized NFT social platform for digital assets of people.

They asked Odama to make them NFT card designs, we discussed what kind of design they want. And it’s time for us to burn. 🔥

Process Project

They gave us some ideas and we also provided a reference for the card design. After discussing we found the design conclusion that the client wanted, and the result is like this.

Preview Card Design

It was quite easy for us to create the design of the card, after the NFT card design was approved by the client, they asked us to create a 3D version of the design, and the results of the 3D version like this ✨

Preview 3D Card Design

We provide some interesting details for the 3D design. and they really like it, after that they asked us to create a website design for their website.

Wireframing Process

We have discussions with clients to determine what kind of design they want, after discussion we started to work on starting from the wireframe first, and following the wireframe results from us.

Landing Page Wireframe

Our client really likes the results of the wireframe we provide, then we complete the high fidelity design based on the finished wireframe and accompany the brief from the client.

High Fidelity Design Process

When we complete the Hi-Fi design process is not difficult, because the brief from the client is clear and wireframe already makes it easy for us to complete the Hi-Fi design, and this is the result of the Hi-Fi design that we made.

Landing Page Design

Our clients really like the results from us, and they asked us to create 3D animation assets to improve the Hi-Fi display, we granted their request that 3D animation assets with the concept of gold color and we made them on their request.

3D Asset

Development Process

Hi-Fi design has been approved by the client, so we start to continue to the development process, in this process we add some simple animations on the website.

We add animations to a small part of this website to make it more interesting to use, an example of animation that we created in the roadmap section.

Animation Section

And finally we completed this project, and our clients also really like the results of our design.

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Odama Studio
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