Case Study — KDLaunch an IDO Platform for Cryptocurrency

Odama Studio
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2022

About Client

KDLaunch is an IDO Platform that allows everyone to create their crypto coins, KDLaunch will help every process in creating crypto coins. KDLaunch contacted the Odama team to fix all the pages on their old website. We agreed to the request of the KDLaunch team and started to prepare everything.

Wireframe Process

In this wireframe process, the KDLaunch team provided several reference websites as a reference for which style to implement. These references were very helpful for us in carrying out this wireframing process. We made several versions of this KDLaunch website and gave the KDLaunch team the freedom to choose a suitable arrangement.
In this wireframe process, there were several obstacles, such as redesigning one of the delayed features for several days. These obstacles occurred because our design team rarely knew about the world of cryptocurrencies and their technology, so it slightly hindered the redesign process of this feature, but the team from KDLaunch helped. We are in the process of redesigning this feature to explain more about how this feature works.

KDLaunch wireframe

High-Fidelity Design

After all the wireframe processes are completed and our clients approve the results of the wireframes we made, we carry out the high-fidelity design process. In this high-fidelity process, not many obstacles occur, and everything is very structured. In this high fidelity process, our clients asked us to add some new illustrations to the sections on their homepage.

Light mode high-fidelity KDLaunch
Dark mode high-fidelity KDLaunch


The design process for this project is a new challenge for our team, and there are many things that we can use as new lessons for future projects. Hopefully, the case study that we made can also add new knowledge to readers. Thank you for taking the time to read our case study. Find more case studies on our publications page here.



Odama Studio
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