Case Study: Prestige Fund— The First Leading Investor in Korean

Odama Studio
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2022
Prestige Fund Website

Project Overview

Prestige fund is The First Leading Investor in Korean Blockchain Industry that provides services for all aspects of the project’s success. They help to
supercharge your project and have experienced for 10 years, invested and supported many top-tier blockchain projects from an early stage.

The client has asked us to redesign their website following with the pitch deck that has existed. They wanted it to be more eyecatching and gorgeous than the current site, with the illustrations for each point on each section.

Project Process

We obtained the brief from the client, on it he asked to put 5 sections on the site. Also, the reason with obtained the brief from the client is we can’t organize content until the content exists. A website without content has no reason to exist.

So in this project, we divide it into 4 phases, from wireframe which is low-fidelity then to high-fidelity, creating the pitch deck and the last part was the developer stage.

We started the project by creating the wireframe, the purpose of a low fidelity wireframe is to sketch out the general architecture of a web page and some of the flows. Content has a very limited role at this stage.

Good wireframes should easy to change and improve, avoids using aesthetic treatment, and last but not least is easy to test.

Establish the High Fidelity Design

Once the client approved the wireframe, we continue to create the high fidelity. In this stage, we went with 2 iterations, and the client prefer our second iteration to go for it. On this version, we picked the serious style but needs to be wonky, goofy, playful, elegant.

High-Fidelity Process

Creating the Pitch Deck

A well-designed deck isn’t as important as the product it offers, but it can clarify and enhance your presentation to their client. In this project, we created 17 screens. But reminders, don’t exceed 20 words per slide! Or the readers would be bored.

We are unable to showcase the pitch deck of this project regarding the privacy policy. But you can see the website itself because the text content used from the pitch deck is added to the portfolio section menu.

Completing the Development

The final stage of this project was developed. And here we have reached it, for this project we created the front end and the back end. The framework we used was Laravel, with the purpose to created the back end so the admin could change the contents on it. As they’ve mentioned in the brief, they wants to hide the portfolio section and will enable to show when the portfolio more strength. Although, we were able to do it for them 🔥

The Final Word

All of our work is approved, the client loves all the work and how we work. Want to know more? Follow us so you can read more. Stay tuned 🔥

Thank you for reading this case study, hopefully it will be useful
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Thanks to :

  • Everyone who wants to read.
  • Friends who want to help review this story before it is uploaded to the public.
  • Everyone was involved in the creation of this medium.

If you have any questions/feedback, please leave a message in the comments column~ 😊



Odama Studio
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