Odama Studio Landing Page Revamp

Yoga Satria Wibowo
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2022


Odama Studio has a website that was released a few months ago. The website was created with the hope of increasing the projects that go through the website. After a few months of being released, many projects came in. However, in the context of the Odama rebranding process, we decided to update the website's appearance to be fresher and in line with the rebranding theme we are currently adopting.


We made complete changes to our website to update its appearance and change the style of the website to be more assertive.


In addition to updating the appearance of the website. With this revamp process, we also want to improve more projects that enter through our website and also introduce Odama Studio more massively

Where We Start

At first, the Odama Studio website looked very playful and cheerful. We felt it was time to move forward with a newer style as time passed. We conducted stakeholder interviews regarding this style change. Like what style do you want from this new website, what colours are dominant and what important elements will we prioritize?

When Did The Lightning Come?

After searching for information regarding things that must be considered in revamping this website, we started by defining the Objective and Potential Users.

In this phase, we try to describe and find out what kind of users frequently visit the odama website and who the potential future users are. In addition, we also define what objectives must be obtained in the revamp process of this website.

Turn On The Lamp!

In this phase, we break down these objectives into ideas that can later be implemented in the design process.

Maps and hints are always used when exploring a place. Making this sitemap is also not without reason. When doing the design process, we want it to always be on this sitemap design.

We love to tell stories, as a design always tells its users so that users never feel bored exploring the website and the goals we want to convey to users.

This Is Skeleton?

After we have generated ideas and had an in-depth discussion about the ideas we want to bring to the new website, it’s time for us to assemble the pieces of bone into a complete framework in the form of a wireframe.

There’s the fun part when we do this wireframing process. In addition to determining where the content will be placed, we also design how the transitions and animations will be for each section on this website. We do this to make the design and animation process easier.

Cool, They Already Have Colors!

It’s time to determine the results of all the processes we have done in revamping the odama studio website this time. And here is the result!

We play a lot with typography, layouts, and also image games. We believe that combining Bold Design, Big Typography, and not forgetting the experience of users enjoying our website content makes this website even better than the previous design.

Experience Is The Best Teacher.

This website revamp process is a new challenge for us. We can learn many things from this series of processes: how to get out of our comfort zone and combine aesthetic and usability elements.

Do You Have Any Last Word?

Thank you for reading until the end of the revamp process for the Odama Studio website. We are pleased that this revamping process series went smoothly and met our expectations. Not to forget, we also continue to iterate on how the design process should occur. Thank you for reading this long article. Hopefully, many things can be learned from this series of design processes. See you in our next post!! CIAO!!

