Case Study — Calton Industry

Odama Studio
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2022

About Client

Clients want to create a website that informs the public about how the company looks and how they work. then odama is trusted to solve this problem.


Build a website themed company profile that aims to identify their company so that it can be presented to the public. The client needs a wireframe, hi-fi, prototype, developer. From the above requirements, we do it step by step.

What We Do

Before entering the design process, our UX team ideate with the client’s needs. We incorporate key features that can help simplify task management from that process. After the ux team reads the brief and decides on their move to wireframe UX.


The first stage is wireframe, the flow is arranged so that it is easier for users to understand, with a simple layout that will be tested on designers with the aim of facilitating and speeding up UI work.


Visual Identity

Then at this stage we recombine colors and fonts so that users are easy to read and comfortable to see. then when this stage is approved by the client we move on to hi-fi design.

Design System

High Fidelity Design

After the wireframe creation process is complete and the client has approved it, the next step is to create a high-fidelity design.At this stage the designer begins to arrange the interface by entering colors, words, images.

Hi-fi Website

Also make designs to be responsive from the website to mobile so that this website can be viewed from all platforms

Hi-fi Responsive


Finally, all of our work has been approved by the client and the client really likes it. this final stage is a prototype, an example that is made to demonstrate how the flow from the user works

Tap to see prototype

Developing Process

Final session we create developing web, the work continued by converting the designs we were working on into lines of code.The backend system we use laravel for the frontend we use webflow.

We made this for two weeks developing. This website is already online can see it directly at

The Final Word

All of our work is approved, the client loves all the work and hired us. Want to know more about this? Follow us so you can read more about this. stay tuned 🔥

Thank you for reading this case study, hopefully it will be useful
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Thanks to :

  • Everyone who wants to read.
  • Friends who want to help review this story before it is uploaded to the public.
  • Everyone involved in the creation of this medium.

If you have any questions / feedback, please leave a message in the comments column~ 😊



Odama Studio
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