Illustration by Jessica Caisse.

Three Favorite Moments of Choreography in 2023



Garth Grimball

Hello Readers,

It’s been a very long time since I’ve written a letter-from-the-editor style post. I’m taking advantage of the 9 days left in this year to say how grateful I am to everyone who contributed to the blog this year, to every reader who invested their time in dance writing, and to all the choreographers and dancers who performed at ODC Theater in 2023. This year our 171-seat theater was a venue for an incredible diversity of works. I deeply appreciate the time, energy, cost and vulnerability it takes to produce dance. I am so happy to live in a place with such a vibrant dance community.

I can’t choose only 3 moments of choreography from the 2023 season in our theater, but I would like to share 3 moments that are accessible to see no matter where you live (though participation in one of them is California specific) from this year that continue to stay with me.


I had the extreme privilege this year to see the Renaissance tour TWICE! I’ve seen the film once and have plans for a second viewing in January. (Just take my credit card, Beyonce! ) Anywho, you’ve likely seen many clips from the tour all over the internet by now, but the finale of the show is a mini vogue ball.

You might be thinking, isn’t the last song Summer Renaissance the finale, when Beyonce literally flies around the audience on a sequin horse? While that is the closer, I argue that it is more the epilogue or encore of the show.

During the penultimate song, Pure/Honey, Beyonce leaves the stage half way through and gives the entire space to the dancers. The Renaissance tour has some of the most incredible dancers I have ever seen, and to witness the joy, the virtuosity, the talent they all have was such a gift.

Being in a stadium of tens of thousands of people all focused on dancers and dancing brought me to tears both times I attended. If you have a chance to see the tour film I highly recommend it.


Past Lives is one of my favorite films of 2023. While watching it I had a warm response to the narrative, and then the final scene happened. Whoa Dang! After that scene I knew I loved this movie.

It is not a dance moment (inclusion of this film is why I titled the post with “choreography” and not “dance”), and I won’t spoil it, but the body language, distance between bodies, and the perspective of the camera create a perfect moment of choreography. So much is conveyed without words, just through minimal movement and proximity. It is a masterful moment of visual composition and performance.


c/o Stud Country website.

Stud Country is a queer line dancing and two-stepping party that happens weekly in both San Francisco and Los Angeles. The most fun I’ve had dancing this year has been at Stud Country. San Francisco Chronicle did a great piece on it you can read here.

I’ve only been a handful of times, but each time has made me feel the same mix of sweaty joy and love for queer people. The fashion! The music! The dancing! As Stefon would say, “This party has everything!”

Stud Country is part of a greater queer cowboy subculture. I know there are similar parties around the country — I’ve had a blast two-stepping at gay bars in Atlanta — so if there’s a party like this near you, throw on some boots and get to steppin :)

I hope to watch dance or dance with you in 2024. Happy New Year!




Dance dispatches from the most active center for contemporary dance on the West Coast.