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ODC Factor Submission Guidelines

David L. Harkins, D.ODC
ODC Factor
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2021


I am excited to announce the launch of the ODC Factor on Medium. The ODC Factor is a digital magazine that focuses on improving organizational performance and marketplace competitiveness. If you write about aspects of organization development and change and desire for your thoughts and insights to reach a wider audience, the ODC Factor might be a good home for you.

What is Organization Development (OD)?

Typically, OD is considered an interdisciplinary behavior science that draws from psychology, sociology, anthropology (the “ologies”), organization behavior, counseling, business and management, economics, education, and public administration. The primary goal of OD is to improve the effectiveness of the organization.

Is OD the same as Change Management?

Not from my perspective. OD takes planned actions with a long-range strategic approach for managing change. Conversely, a Change Management approach occurs when an organization must employ rapid and unplanned actions to sustain the organization in response to changes brought by external forces.

Both OD and Change Management affect change, but each model has a unique purpose and outcome for organizational improvement. Sometimes, both are used within the organization at the same time to…



David L. Harkins, D.ODC
ODC Factor

Social entrepreneurship educator & strategic change consultant. I write about culture, entrepreneurship, and leadership.