Jeff Mitchell
Odd Nugget
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2018


Odd Nugget Social-done

Stunning musical Americana in noire; the Division Men’s “Heaven Knows Why” is heavenly.

Grounded, grim and steady, this tune lurches deep into your psyche; a freight train of thoughts on tracks to an abyss. No stops.

It’s dark, pleading country music with haunting, cantering rhythm.

“Can you see the storm upon us?”

It’s pouring. Silver sheets assail you.

Blinking against a wall of wet, you rush to cover.


An old elm stoops over you, gathers you up in all its arms.

Together you face the death of day as night usurps its throne.

“Did you feel the ground beneath you?”

Surprisingly, one half of the Division Men duo is a woman. Her vocals tell a tentative tale throughout the song — lighting mental passageways like a distant candle.

Together, the two paint a musical picture in chiaroscuro; high-contrast between dark and light.


It’s the subtleties of “Heaven Knows Why” that help it stand out against the backdrop. Vinyl transients, splashes of pitched keys and radio-fuzz voice transitions…

Add in the visual experience of the video and you’ve got yourself a Texan Tim Burton-esque track worth tuning into.

Up for the night, with a spot of rain, a rocking chair and a heavy mind? Lean back and give the Division Men a listen.

Need more music? Check out our post on Ten Ton Man’s “Mary”!



Jeff Mitchell
Odd Nugget

Creative artist and musician clinically addicted to writing. Help me. Or read my posts. :) Editor and Founder of