Learn today: Xcode shortcut commands

Supawit R
Published in
1 min readNov 30, 2022
Shortcut | https://unsplash.com/photos/Z6SXt1v5tP8


search in project: cmd + shift + o

Jump to the line: cmd + l

Display the opening file on the sidebar: cmd + shift + j

Go to the previous cursor: ctrl + cmd + ← (arrow left)

Go to the next cursor: ctrl + cmd + → (arrow right)

Switch to the next tab: cmd + shift + }

Switch to the previous tab: cmd + shift + {

Build and Run

Build: cmd + b

Run: cmd + r

Run unit test: cmd + u

Edit & Format Code

Move line up: Cmd + option + [

Move line down: Cmd + option + ]

Code suggestion/completion: ctrl + space

Format indent: ctrl + i

Multi Selection: cmd + option + e

That’s all a few things that I learned after starting the iOS development journey! 🎒

Feel free to comment if you have an awesome trick or technique to speed up development on Xcode.



Supawit R

a developer who love to learn, read, and sleep.