Incorporating the Blazing Speed of Avalanche on Oddz to Enhance Options Trading

Oddz Integrates with Avalanche

oddz finance
oddz finance
3 min readNov 30, 2021


Oddz Integrates with Avalanche

Oddz is stoked to announce its deployment on Avalanche, a layer-one blockchain that works as a platform for decentralized applications. Avalanche, known as the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain realm, will help Oddz by providing solutions to problems of scalability, usability and interoperability. We are delighted to announce that Oddz will integrate its options trading platform on Avalanche for underlying assets. It will enable options for AVAX, ETH and BTC.


  • Avalanche is an open-source framework which claims to be ‘the fastest smart contracts platform as measured by time-to-finality’.
  • It is competent of throughput orders of magnitude larger than other blockchain networks with considerable safety levels.
  • It offers a highly customisable interoperable heterogeneous platform.

High gas fees and its unexpected spikes has always been a significant challenge for the users which has made crypto space unacceptable. Users fear losing huge amounts without even executing the transactions due to heavy congestion and overcrowding issues. Avalanche (AVAX) comes as a rescue to these intrinsic problems. Known for providing solutions, Avalanche is cited as a ‘platform of platforms’ as a secure and decentralized network, far and wide.

The ‘low cost and eco-friendly’ Avalanche aims to provide a higher transaction output of up to 6500 transactions per second with blazing speed without compromising on scalability. It is the first smart contract platform to confirm trading in less than a second, to support the whole Ethereum development tools, and to permit millions of independent validators to participate as full block producers.

Why have we chosen Avalanche -

  • Efficiency and Adaptability — Avalanche employs a new consensus mechanism that can permanently confirm transactions in less than a second. Moreover, it is capable of 4,500 TPS (Transactions Per Second), being the fastest magnitude across all the current blockchains with less congestion. This will help Oddz to scale its operations through high throughput.
  • Security — It stipulates better security convictions that are above the 51 percent threshold of other networks. As security is of prime importance in Oddz, Avalanche will help us accomplish the same.
  • Scalability — It is designed to be a scalable environment. Integration with Avalanche means we will get access to low-cost and secure transactions.
  • Low Fees — The gas fees on Avalanche are much more affordable than Ethereum. Most people avoid DeFi because of high gas fees and low transactions per second but Avalanche’s features will provide a seamless experience of options trading to the users.

Oddz’s priority has always been to enhance its users’ experience. This time we have come up with a massive user delight platform for them. We’re happy to have integrated with Team Avalanche. We’ll also like to treat our users with more feasts like these!

Aishwarya Shivakumar Haroshivanahalli, Co-Founder and CEO, Oddz Finance

About Avalanche

Avalanche is the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality, and has the most validators securing its activity of any proof-of-stake protocol. Avalanche is blazingly fast, low cost, and green. Any smart contract-enabled application can outperform its competition by deploying on Avalanche. Don’t believe it? Try Avalanche today.

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About Oddz

Oddz is a trustless on-chain derivatives trading platform that expedites the execution of call and put options contracts, conditional trades, and futures. It allows the creation, maintenance, execution, and settlement of trustless option contracts, conditional tokens agreements, and futures contracts in a fast, secure, and flexible manner.

It employs the synergies of Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, Polygon, Elrond Network and Chromia to unleash the potential of a decentralized derivatives market. It focuses on building solutions that can propel the DeFi ecosystem by simplifying derivatives trading and enhancing the user experience.

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oddz finance

Multi-chain Derivatives Trading Protocol built on Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot ,Polygon and Ethereum.