Introducing Oddz

World’s First On-Chain Option Trading Platform built on the Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot and Ethereum

oddz finance
oddz finance
4 min readJan 1, 2021



Oddz Platform thrives on revolutionizing the on-chain derivatives market by introducing smart and intuitive features for contractual traders.

Oddz is the World’s foremost option trading protocol to be deployed on the Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, and Ethereum.

The existing DeFi derivative solutions have portrayed a massive demand for trading financial contracts. The DeFi industry has witnessed a gigantic rally involving the surge in trading and executing on-chain derivatives agreements. Above 80% of the traded on-chain derivative instruments constitute options. Moreover, the explosive DeFi industry has gained considerable traction in trading conditional tokens and futures contracts. There is a wide range of DeFi projects already serving users’ needs in the trustless derivatives markets. However, there is a lack of optimal products that fit the user-needs in totality.

Indeed, the absence of specific features has resulted in barring users from unleashing the DeFi industry’s potential. Apart from high transaction costs on the Ethereum blockchain to transaction latency due to network congestion, some concerns have hampered the mainstream adoption of on-chain option trading agreements. Due to the increased complexity and lack of intuitive features, the execution of permissionless option-trading instruments has been difficult. Therefore, Oddz is here to surpass all technical limitations to ease on-chain option trading for users.

What is Oddz?

Oddz is a trustless On-Chain Option trading platform that expedites the execution of call and put options contracts, conditional trades, and futures.

It allows the creation, maintenance, execution, and settlement of trustless option contracts, conditional token agreements, and futures contracts in a fast, secure, and flexible manner. The World First On-Chain Option trading platform was deployed on the Binance Smart Chain, striving to unleash its potential decentralized derivatives market. It focuses on building solutions that can propel the DeFi ecosystem by simplifying derivatives trading and enhancing the user experience. Its comprehensive ecosystem also constitutes an Inbuilt Oddz oracle that helps in accurately retrieving real-time market data.

$ODDZ Token

Platform users can either earn a $ODDZ token or buy it on an exchange platform later — the native $ODDZ token’s primary utilities with the power of staking, bonding, and governance. The intricate details relating to the utility will be explained at a later stage.

Diving deep into the key attributes of Oddz On-Chain Option trading platform

The key features promoting DeFi users to utilize on-chain option trading platforms effortlessly includes :

  • Fraction trades: The presence of technical infrastructure to enable users to chip in smaller amounts or fractions of currency to exercise options have allowed users to experience on-chain option trading.
  • Transparent Premium Calculation: Oddz facilitates transparent price calculations that help users to understand primary metrics used to calculate the premium, reinforcing increased transparency.
  • Binance Smart Chain: Oddz protocol is deployed on the Binance Smart Chain, capitalizing on market volatility. Besides, it would facilitate smooth trades with high latency. The lower transaction costs for complex on-chain option trading contracts would significantly benefit users. Also, with Binance Smart Chain, scalability will no more be a stumbling block.
  • Adequate Liquidity: With the injection of incentivizing schemes for liquidity providers on the Oddz protocol, the slippage costs will be relatively low. However, platform users can execute massive trades, particularly in size, due to adequate liquidity available for trading purposes.
  • Customized Option Writers: The introduction of automated, customizable option premium writers based on user input is one of the striking features of the Oddz protocol.
  • Inbuilt Oddz oracle: The dynamic nature of the derivatives market entirely depends on the oracles’ performance. They are instrumental in fetching real-time data. Hence, an inbuilt oracle eases bringing real-time data accurately and instantly, promoting smoother trades.

Oddz — A Game-changer in the On-Chain Option trading market

The Oddz protocol is gamified in a decentralized manner to provide users with cutting-edge financial innovation to ease their on-chain option trades. The pool of supremacy that Oddz currently possesses forecasts the probability of it capturing a larger market share in the decentralized derivatives landscape. With the Inbuilt Oracle, the game has just got bigger and better with increased security measures lacking in external oracles.


The Oddz protocol is striving towards creating a niche in the on-chain option trading market by adopting attributes that remain untapped and neglected in the trustless DeFi landscape. The team is relentlessly working towards creating a revolution by building products that could escalate DeFi to the masses.

Stay tuned and let us know if you are keen on being a part of this revolution.

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oddz finance
oddz finance

Multi-chain Derivatives Trading Protocol built on Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot ,Polygon and Ethereum.