Forbes References OdeCloud in List of Other Specialized Freelancing Communities

Angelo Mendoza
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2020

Forbes writer Jon Younger references OdeCloud in a recent article covering The Vendry, a digital community for events professionals

OdeCloud hopes to harness the power of community-based, crowdsourced NetSuite solutions

As an incredibly small NetSuite startup working in the industry of information technology, we at OdeCloud think it’s important to take some time and again to appreciate some of our minor accomplishments.

So we just have to say that we were absolutely thrilled to see us included in one of Jon Younger’s most recent articles via!

OdeCloud Focusing on Building Exposure & Credibility for Community in 2021

Described as “[a]n HR thought leader, author, teacher, and early stage investor,” Jon is a Forbes contributor that primarily writes about the freelance revolution and future of work.

In his pre-Halloween article titled “Meet The Vendry. This Startup For Events Professionals Excels In Community Building,” Jon listed “NetSuite tech support” as one of the more specialized freelance platforms looking to focus on building a community, helpfully providing a link to the OdeCloud homepage as a reference.

This reference not only helps to give OdeCloud some early-stage credibility, but it also helps establish what exactly we’re trying to do and includes us among other companies that have similar aspirations in other sectors.

Where the OdeCloud Community Excels in Assisting Clients

Specialized freelancing communities are a relatively new concept in the grand sphere of how we view work as a society. Because of this, there’s been a few cases in which potential clients were incapable of fully grasping the effectiveness of hiring consultants through our platform.

Some frequently asked questions were: (1) Why do we need to hire consultants through you when we could just go straight to the consultant, and (2) How can we trust that the consultants you recommend to us will complete the task the way we want?

The answers to both questions actually coincide: Membership to OdeCloud’s online community may be completely free of charge, but the consultants we specifically recommend to companies looking for NetSuite assistance are always thoroughly vetted beforehand.

In other words, OdeCloud essentially acts as a specialized HR department for prospective clients, removing the overall cost of a company having to search for talent, assess the talent, and onboard the talent.

And much like The Vendry, OdeCloud creates an online space in which NetSuite experts from around the world are able to share their knowledge and further their level of expertise.

But most importantly, consultants part of the OdeCloud network are encouraged to turn to the community in order to crowdsource solutions to whatever problem points may arise in each of their respective jobs.

So when a client chooses to go with an OdeCloud-recommended consultant, the client not only acquires the unlimited support of a single NetSuite expert, but an expert that is in turn supported by a community of 100+ NetSuite consultants.

Our Plan Moving Forward

Jon’s reference to OdeCloud not only helps justify that our idea of a specialized community holds substance, but it also helps provide us with a list of other community-based freelancing platforms aspiring to accomplish something similar.

We plan to take a look at each of these platforms and possibly even reach out to them in order to better see where they find the most success and what weaknesses we as a company could possibly look to shore up.

While we may only be a community of just over 100 consultants, OdeCloud definitely hopes to emulate The Vendry and follow their blueprint on our way to 10k+ members.

Special thanks goes out to Jon for referencing us in his article, and we appreciate each of our early-adopters that have fully bought into our dream.

“Viva la revolution!”



Angelo Mendoza
Editor for

Content Lead at OdeCloud. Visit for assistance with all your NetSuite needs and other IT managed services.