NetSuite Consulting Tips: Valuing Authenticity with Clients

Angelo Mendoza
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2021
NetSuite Consulting Tips: Valuing Authenticity with Clients
CFO of Continuous Scale and business coach Sara Dickinson discusses what she enjoys most as an independent consultant and business coach.

When we normally talk about consulting tips, we often talk about the basic things like learning how to better manage your time and money, or possibly how to best find and interact with clients. But we never really ever get the chance to talk about more abstract consulting tips, such as your sticking to your core values as an individual and keeping your authenticity.

As businesspeople, I think it’s easy to completely get caught up in the rat race and lose our sense of authenticity. We are taught to fear losing our status and our money, so we far too often resort to wearing different faces and doing whatever we can to scape by — even if that means hurting someone else in the process or taking on projects that we may not necessarily enjoy or agree with.

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One of the things I love about OdeCloud TV is it allows me the opportunity to get a feel for the very nature of the consultants with which we work. I’m lucky enough to have access to a group of people willing to go under a microscope and present their most authentic self (thereby giving me a story to share with all of you).

For Continuous Scale CFO Sara Dickinson, being authentic and living authentically is of the utmost importance when it comes to her work as an independent consultant and business coach, and I think that’s honestly the super simple secret to her steady and sustained success.

“I work with who I want to work with, I work when I want to work, and I live the values and life that are most important and authentic to me as an individual,” Sara said.

“I think I always prided myself on embracing my core values and living them, and found myself toward the end of my corporate burnout, not doing that.”

A NetSuite expert with almost a decade’s worth of experience, Sara genuinely loves to just help people, jokingly saying that she’s been working in a “pro bono” capacity for the majority of her career.

While she primarily works as a full-time entrepreneur, she also happens to take on a few freelance jobs, doing so for two reasons: (1) to help propel her work as a consultant and a coach, and (2) to just connect with other people.

“…[F]reelancing has been an immediate source of income for me, where I could focus on initially setting up my business this year and work odd hours, and have that flexibility that I didn’t have in corporate life and continue to keep the lights on and pay the bills,” said Sara.

“And then from that freelancing experience, these really wonderful relationships have evolved organically and just continue to happen organically — naturally from that freelance experience — and become more robust consulting and coaching clients.”

This post was originally published at OdeCloud’s community website.



Angelo Mendoza
Editor for

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