What Do NetSuite Consultants Hope to Gain From OdeCloud Community?

Angelo Mendoza
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2021
OdeCloud community member Jacky Wong discusses what remains on his roadmap as a NetSuite consultant.

Why do we do the things we do? It’s a question that every entrepreneur or businessperson likely asks before solidifying their product.

Put basically: In order to understand what to sell, we must first understand what exactly consumers are looking to purchase — and most especially, why?!

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The primary questions that we had to explore as the creators of OdeCloud’s online NetSuite community were fairly simple: Why exactly will NetSuite consultants want to join (and stay in) this online community, and what value will it offer?

As a matter of fact, it’s this pair of questions that we continue to revisit in our effort to ensure that the experience of each community member remains healthy and positive.

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For expert NetSuite consultant and active OdeCloud community member Jacky Wong, he hopes to continue strengthening his understanding of the technical side of NetSuite.

Therefore, he finds the most value in learning from other community members who happen to be more skilled and knowledgable in things like C-Suite scripting and NetSuite development.

“One of the things that has been on my roadmap…is the ability to be more technical, be more savvy with C-Script,” Jacky said.

“Knowing scripts and connecting new scripts with the financial modules with NetSuite connected to the new users; this is what makes you become valuable in the company — and also just in the community in general.”

Additionally, Jacky hopes to remain an active member of the OdeCloud community, helping other NetSuite consultants to improve their understanding of the more functional side of NetSuite.

By helping other consultants grow their expertise, he sees the OdeCloud community becoming a strong primary resource for other companies to utilize when in need of NetSuite assistance.

This post was originally published at OdeCloud’s community website.



Angelo Mendoza
Editor for

Content Lead at OdeCloud. Visit odecloud.com for assistance with all your NetSuite needs and other IT managed services.