Oded Kariti Anticipated High Tech Gadgets

Oded Kariti
Oded Kariti Story
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2016

As Albert Einstein once said, imagination is more important than intellect. Today’s designers completely agree with these words, explaining that it’s extremely hard nowadays to imagine new gadgets or at least new features for the existent products. As an engineer himself, Oded Kariti has also been faced with this difficulty. In addition, the competition is so fierce, and there are so many competent designers that it is almost impossible to create something without being already taken by other individuals. In spite of this, every day designers are able to come up with new and original gadgets that continue to amaze people.

The Oculus Rift — One Of the most anticipated Tech Gadgets

We have all heard the saying that only sky is the limit to your imagination. Some of the following gadgets truly prove this. Here are some cool concepts of gadgets, offered by Kariti that can transform our lives and become something common in everyday activities. The concepts are simply amazing, inventing new approach for usual things that can make our lives easier. In fact, the designers that have come up with these innovations deserve our total appreciation. They have a noble purpose to the make our lives more enjoyable and comfortable.

Home tech today is smarter than ever before. The newest devices and apps have simplified tasks, and make better use of resources. Without a doubt, this is transforming the way we live. With the way things are progressing, artificial intelligence and social robots could easily become the next technological breakthrough of the 21st century. However, Oded Kariti believes that much work is required to ensure they’ll respond reliability and behave ethically, and that is something that needs to be solved.

Debuting in 2015, we saw the latest iteration of wearable technology. In 2014, consumers worldwide bought around 21 million wearable devices for tracking their physical activity, monitoring their sleep, counting calories and generally making themselves feel superior to people without such gadgets

With all of the groundbreaking technological innovations we’ve witnessed in the past 30 years, like the advent of the Internet, e-mail, HDTVs, smartphones, touchscreens, there is no telling what the next anticipated high-tech gadget of the year may be.

