Trial of FSB agent for the gunfire on May 2 tragedy

Trial of recruited FSB provocateur agent who shot at people on May 2, 2014 at Hretska (Grecheskaya) Square, Odessa.

Odesa Zahidna
Odesa Zahidna
4 min readMay 19, 2015


Our reporter recorded the following video this spring, 2015 during witness speech on case of recruited FSB provocateur agent. Watch the video and read the text for more details.

Hired agent-provocateur of the FSB is being tried for the gunfire from the side of patriots on May 2, 2014 in Odessa

27-year old Vitaliy Oleksuk was hired by FSB at the beginning of events on Maidan in Kiev in 2013. Right after training camp for saboteurs he went at the center of events and made friends easily being native of the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Agent mission was penetration in the ranks of 22 squadron of Maidan and set its members against Commander-in-chief (centurion). Oleksuk succeeded in realization of a plan, he regularly got money for performance of tasks. Later he captured and tortured a man (for this episode they charged him under the article 127 “torture”).

Hretska (Grecheskaya) street on map (map by BBC)

The victim survived by a miracle — Oleksuk shoot more than 10 times at him. Allegedly the victim stole bullet-proof jackets from the checkpoint. Later Oleksuk angered his companions — he got to the SSU (the Security Service of Ukraine) already beaten, he was given away by his companions from Maidan. According to his words, he was at “Torture Chamber of Maidan”, where they cut his finger (the part of Oleksuk finger is really absent). It should be noted that Oleksuk gave up to the special services with pleasure not to become a victim of companions from Maidan, who discovered that Oleksuk was an agent. You can watch one of the witnesses retelling at the video — she was listening to the detailed story of Oleksuk for some hours during the first interrogation. The defence of the criminal Oleksuk (3 lawyers at once) tries to put the accent on that witnesses were allowed to make questions during the interrogation and it would be one of the cause for an appeal from judgement.

It should be noted that unlike the first investigative actions, as soon as Oleksuk was handed over to the investigator, the next process of investigation was held very bad. One of the episodes which could be really charged the agent was not mentioned in the bill of indictment at all.

It’s a question of participation of Oleksuk in tragical events on May 2, 2014.

photo of detained Oleksuk with gun on roof of Afina Building on Grecheskaya sq. May 2, 2015

During confession Oleksuk told that one of his tasks which he got was participation in conflict on Grecheskaya square in Odessa from the side of pro-ukrainian forces.

We should point out that a witness retells words of Oleksuk word for word. During the interrogation a girl didn’t realized that it’s a question of events on May, 2.

In spite of the fact that Oleksuk denies his guilt by all episodes, a new CCP UA enables not pay attention to mistakes of investigation and procuracy and get information by details in courts without prejudice.

It should be noted separately how the beginning of judicial proceeding was covered in media. Only one newspaper “Vesti” from all Odessa media|wrote about the trial (the edition supposed that Oleksuk could be that person who shoot at the crowd from the roof of the SC “Athena” on May, 2) and online newspaper “Timer”, the text of which was automatically generated by popular between Russians Bigmir site.

photo from Hretska (Grecheskaya) street. May 2, 2015

There is no any information about Oleksuk charge of high treason (the article 111 of the CCP UA) and a real victim who survived by a miracle after torture in the articles.

The “Timer” insists that Oleksuk’s mother is disabled and needs care. We met a mother of Oleksuk more than once in the courtroom, she notes everything to her notebook carefully and walks by herself easily.

Also, this old woman would hardly pay salary to 3 good lawyers.

Finally, the other lawyer visited Oleksuk at the investigation who was one of the ex-defenders of Julia Tymoshenko.

By our information Victor Medvedchuk’s entourage intercede for Vitaliy Oleksuk — forefather of separatism and federalization in Ukraine and godfather of Vladimir Putin child. It’s clear that they will do their best not to make public known about real intentions and customers of Oleksuk crimes.

The defendant refused from his earlier statements at all. He calls himself a patriot, supporter of Maidan and he is sure that SBU trumped up the case.

He answered our question if he was in Odessa on May, 2 — “Yes, on Olgievskaya street”, but later he refused from his words and told that he wasn’t in Odessa at all.

Also, there is an interesting fact that one of the lawyers of the defendant confirmed us that Oleksuk shoot from roof of the SC “Athena” on Grecheskaya Square in Odessa on May,2.

“Oberig” will continue to follow this proceeding…

This story was written by Oberig public organisation. Link to original story on Russian.

Story translated for Odessa Zahidna by Anita Blank. English captions made by Anna Botnova.

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