About Our Logo

Caleb Suko
Odessa International Fellowship
2 min readMay 4, 2021

Our logo says alot about who we are.


The different colors in our logo represent the beauty and diversity of different peoples and cultures. We believe that God saves people of every color and culture. Together we are called to shine the light of God’s glory to all men. (Isa 2:2–3, Isa 60:1–5, Psa 22:7, Mat 28:19)


Black reminds us that we live in a world that is suffering from the effects of sin. The root of sin is in the heart every person and Jesus Christ offers the only way out of this deadly condition. (Gen 3:6–24, Isa 53:6, Mar 7:21–23, Rom 3:10–19, 23, Eph 2:1–3)


The yellow “O” reminds us that God has called us to be a light in the city of Odessa. We do this by loving and serving those around us. We do this by sharing the hope we have in Jesus with others and by answering questions about our faith. (Act 1:8, Act 2:47, 1 Pet 3:15)


The “I” represents the unique fact that our church is made up of many nations yet we are all united around one truth. The red reminds of us Jesus sacrifice for us and the white tells us of the forgiveness only he can give. (Isa 49:6, Mat 28:1920, Eph 2:11–22)


The “F” represents our fellowship and our life together in Christ. We come together to worship God, to study God’s Word, and to encourage one another through our presence and our prayers. The blue represents the brotherly love we have for each other and the green represents the growth God gives us through our fellowship. (Act 2:42, I Cor 10:16–17, Eph 2:18–22)

