Nina Ognivchuk

Inspiration Centre | Shepetivka, Ukraine

Nina Ognivchuk wanted to serve God on the mission field in Ghana. However, God had different plans for her. She shares how God led her to start Inspiration Centre in Shepetivka, Ukraine to serve children and Gypsies.



My name is Nina Ognivchuk. I was born on January 19, 1990 in Shepetivka town, Ukraine. As far as I have Christian parents, grandparents, great grandparents, so I have heard a lot about God. However, there is a huge difference to know about God and to know Him personally!

I have been saved when I was 14. God began to teach me live by faith. In 2008, I have heard His voice to go to study at the Bible College and be a missionary. It was so clearly and I was ready to follow Him but my parents were too concerned and they did not give me a blessing to go to Bible College. Therefore, I have graduated from National University of Ostroh Academy and got my degree in foreign languages. During the educational years, I was praying much what I should do after the graduation. God has answered my prayers and sent me on mission trip to Ghana (Africa) for 2 weeks. It was great experience for me to learn another nation and love them as Christ loves me. When I went back home I have got the invitation to go on long-term trip and serve at the orphanage there. After many prayers and talks with my parents, I said ‘NO’ again to my Heavenly Father. Then God has blessed me with wonderful job in my town called Shepetivka (Ukraine). I worked as a fundraising manager at the Strengthening Communities Charitable Foundation. It was well-paid job with proper working conditions, wonderful team, etc. I have enjoyed working there for 2.5 years but my spirit was longing for the ministry…

So, I’ve decided to quit the job and start private English Club. I have found one building in the center of my town but the owner did not want to sell it. Nevertheless, he took me to another building that he had for sale. When he was opening six classrooms, different ideas came into my mind — we can do WooDecor Club in that room, here we can teach kids the Bible, and this room can be for orphans… When the owner opened the door of the large hall, God gave me a vision of little gypsy kids standing on the stage and singing Christian songs and playing on the bells. Their happy faces broke my heart into little pieces. All I could do was to pray for the development of gypsy ministry.

Next day I was reading the story in the Bible about woman with blood issue, when she just touched the cloth of Jesus, she was healed. Therefore, I have decided to go to that building, touch its door, and ask God to open it for gypsies, orphans, street kids. I was doing it every day during seven months before I went to work. At the same time, I have understood that God wants me to leave the work. I was questioning Him but one day He asked me, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? (James 2:5). After that question I said, God, it is enough for me to question You! Next day I went to my boss and gave her a notice that I want to leave the job.

What happened after? In few days, God used six people from different countries and provided money to purchase the first floor of that building to start the ministry of the Inspiration Centre! God rewarded my step of faith! Therefore, we bought the building in July 2016 and it took 6 months to repair and remodel the facility.

Today, God has richly blessed us with team and volunteers who are completely committed to Him to fulfil His dream and His vision at the Inspiration Centre. Through that ministry, God is teaching me first. He is teaching me to have faith like a mustard seed and trust Him. He showed me a huge Africa in my own little town… The more I visit gypsy families, the more and more I see similarities of their life and people in Africa. There is NOTHING that compares to being in the service of the King! Acts 20:24

