About Us

Odessa International Fellowship is an English speaking Christian community of people from all over the world. We meet every Sunday at 17.00 here for worship, teaching, and fellowship.

Pastor Caleb Suko

Caleb and his wife Christina Suko have ministered together in Ukraine since 2007. Caleb is from the US and Christina is from Ukraine. They have 5 children and 3 grandchildren.

Pastor Stefan Van der Merwe

Pastor Stefan and his wife Hensie are both from South Africa but have lived and ministered in Ukraine since 2003. They have 3 children.

Our colors

Our colors say a lot about who we are and what we believe


Black represents the context in which our church exists. Sin has a negative impact on every aspect of our society. We see the effects of sin in everything from wars to family conflicts. Sin is the ultimate cause of pain, suffering, and death. Sin can not be overcome simply by having better education, better governments, or solving world health issues. The root of sin is in the heart every person and Jesus Christ offers the only way out of this deadly condition. (Gen 3:6–24, Isa 53:6, Mar 7:21–23, Rom 3:10–19, 23, Eph 2:1–3)


The different colors in our logo represent the beauty and diversity of different peoples and cultures that God has brought together for his glory. We value each nation, each culture, and the uniqueness of each person. We believe that God calls to himself people of every color and culture. Every people group brings its own unique flavor to the worship of God. Together we are called to shine the light of God’s glory to all men. (Isa 2:2–3, Isa 60:1–5, Psa 22:7, Mat 28:19)


The “O” represents the city of Odessa. Although foreigners we all find ourselves in this city. The yellow reminds us that God has called us to be a light in this city. We have a responsibility to shine the light of the gospel in Odessa for all to see. We do this by loving and serving those around us. We do this by sharing the hope we have in Jesus with others and by answering questions about our faith. (Act 1:8, Act 2:47, 1 Pet 3:15)


The “I” represents the unique fact that our church is made up of many nations yet we are all united around one truth. We believe that Jesus’ forgiveness and grace breaks down cultural and political boundaries and give people the ability to live together in peace. The red represents the blood Jesus shed has he died on the cross. His sacrifice provided the only way for peace between man and God and between man and other men. The white represents the purity and forgiveness that Jesus gives to all men who trust in him regardless of their race or nationality. (Isa 49:6, Mat 28:1920, Eph 2:11–22)


The “F” represents our fellowship and our life together in Christ. We come together to worship God, together we study God’s Word, and together we encourage one another through conversations and prayer. The blue represents the brotherly love for each other and the green represents the growth God gives us through our fellowship. (Act 2:42, I Cor 10:16–17, Eph 2:18–22)

