The ODEUM Team

Ineta Bulbenkovaite
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2017


We are missing few members here.

We are 8 passionate international interns, helping the first, as well as the oldest web agency in Denmark called WebHouse, build a new open source ReactJS UI framework. Yes we know you have probably heard of, or worked with a React UI framework or several others before, but this one is really something magnificent. I will get back to that postulate later.

Our main task is to extend the small WebHouse team of ODEUM developers to continue the initial work done by the previous team of interns and the core staff. You are probably questioning what kind of work we do, well in short:

ODEUM is a cloud-based development platform for designing and developing
mobile and web applications & services that help professional designers
and developers create innovative solutions.

ODEUM is comprised of the following web and mobile apps:

  • ODEUM CMS (Websites & Web Shops)
  • ODEUM Report (Data Collection & Business Process Automation)
  • ODEUM Code (Open Source mobile & web apps UI framework)

If you are interested, you can read more about it here and if you are a person with passion for coding, you are welcome to check out the Github repository of ODEUM Code (work in progress).

Now lets meet our team!

From left to right: Fríða, Elena, Tina, Ineta & Elena

Yes, we have two Elena’s, and no we do not have any situations where one calls out the one, and the other answers :) Now can you tell who are web and who are digital concept developers?

Fríða is a web developer, a bright girl from the Faroe islands. She left her beautiful home town to study for a degree in Denmark. She is a happy girl, and a genuine helpful person who is always eager to help others figure out an issue with a React component or some CSS styling.

Elena came together with Tina from Croatia, one of the most well known European holiday destinations. Both are digital concept designers working on the UI design system for ODEUM and ODEUM Code. They are like sisters and make an amazing team when it comes to discussing or criticising each others works. They do not hide in the bushes, they say what they think and have their own strong opinions about the ODEUM design system which makes the designing work go super fast.

Our creative team made a logo for ODEUM Code

I am Ineta from Lithuania. I am also a digital concept designer, however our studies in Denmark also include communication and marketing and on ODEUM I am responsible for social media and documentation of the project process.

We all believe that ODEUM, with its brand new UI and technical platform, can make a difference in the future for designers and web/mobile developers. A project of this magnitude, which is the first large open source project of its kind in Aalborg needs to be documented which I partly am responsible for.

Elena came from Romania, like Fríða she is a web developer. She is a super nice and quiet girl who has an eye for details in the JavaScript code. On her free time Elena likes playing games and it is no surprise that she is interested in making her own games in the future. She might even consider using ODEUM Code as her frontend platform.

I have introduced you to all our girls and it is time for the boys to get in the spotlight.

From left to right: Leonid, Anders & Kasper

Leonid is all about programming. He came from Russia and has some interesting perspective on the world and people around him. We love it when human perspective is joined with technology, and this is actually the cradle from where WebHouse originates. I personally hope to learn more during our time together as he has so much to share.

Anders is a web developer from Denmark. He is nice and maybe a little shy and when he concentrates on his work it seems that everything else around him disappears. Shout out loud if you want to ask something and you’ll get all the help you need. Anders knows his way around ReactJS and NodeJS and is an inspiration to others with his work and passion for code.

Kasper, just like Anders is a web developer from Denmark. He likes to joke around and might seem carefree, but when it comes to work he is all in and very professional. If you need help to choose a place to eat in Aalborg, he is your man.

Now I have introduced our interns, but we are not the complete team behind ODEUM and ODEUM Code. We also have a team who has been working with ODEUM Code from the very beginning and it would be a crime not to introduce them. Without them we would not even be here! Stay tuned and I’ll return later with my view of the WebHouse/ODEUM core team in our next article.


