The ODEUM Code internship begins

Ineta Bulbenkovaite
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2017


First day of my internship started on a beautiful sunny morning. It was Monday and I was feeling exited. I packed my camera, my laptop and everything else essential for the day and took off. I was not the first one to show up, so I greeted people around the table which was prepared with danish style breakfast.

First breakfast

We needed a little push to get going

When everyone gathered we were greeted by Christian who is one of the main responsible for ODEUM Code and prior to the internship meetup had interviewed and vetted all interns. We started our introductions while enjoying coffee and breakfast. Although everyone was engaged in small talk we needed a little push to get comfortable with the situation. After a brief introduction to the project and its overall plan and target, we were encouraged by Mette, our team building coach, to start getting into useful conversations.

We started talking about our values for working in a team. This topic is in one of those areas where people do not share their personal feelings, just their opinions and it is a good way to start a conversation. We have all been working in teams in the past and we know what is important in teamwork and although we agree to be nice and respectful of each other, it will often come down to the personalities that we’re not always aware of. Stress and pressure makes us loose all our control and consideration toward others. Therefore the environment created by the patrons through-out the whole project is very important.

WebHouse is becoming our family

In this way we were all accepted, like getting into a family which made us feel happy and secure in our workplace. This start gave us confidence to get going and work in our own pace, without any stress or pressure. We have a great technical supervisor, Andrei who is not only helping us with JavaScript development for ODEUM Code, but also making us bond and become friends during our internship.

Elena and Andrei on “track”

Friday fun

Each Friday we have different activities that we do as a team. From playing pool to running go-karts. We communicate more about ourselves, share our culture trends, compare them with others and it is so fun to find so many differences and similarities between our cultures. We learn a lot in our internship and we also grow our personalities. Shaping them for the future that awaits us.

All of this is growing our passion for our work which is put into the open source project “ODEUM Code”.

Now back to work :)

