Detailed Insight into the Marketing Automation Module in Odoo 15

Sebastian Stan
Odoo Customization
Published in
6 min readNov 20, 2021

Marketing is an important branch of business. Odoo is equipped with the most advanced tools for marketing. Marketing Automation is an advanced module in Odoo designed for improving marketing efficiency. The module is strongly linked with the other marketing modules of Odoo. All of the marketing modules work together to form a common working ground to generate maximum efficiency in marketing management.

This blog will give you a complete overview of the Odoo 15 Marketing Automation module

It is easy to set up or configure this module in Odoo 15. The module allows you to have an advanced working environment for you to manage and work on marketing procedures easily. Marketing Automation is necessary to nurture and motivate your leads to become active customers. The intelligent module allows you to send the right promotional program information to the right party at the right time.

Configuration and usage

Go to your Marketing Automation module and click on the Create button as shown below to create a new marketing campaign to nurture your new leads.

Before creating the new campaign program it is essential that you must go to the Odoo CRM application to view the proceedings on the leads and the customers and look at the review of your sales team to effectively send campaigns to the right leads.

After clicking on the create button a configuration page for you to configure the campaign will be paper as shown below.

You can configure the whole campaign from here. Start from naming the campaign, make sure that name is gripping, and will let your leads check out more about the campaign. The next part is to choose Target. To choose the Target from the dropdown options select the target to apply it. If you want to target your leads or opportunities select them from the list as shown below

As the module is highly integrated with the CRM module of Odoo, the platform will automatically recognize the leads and will arrange them accordingly. The campaign will be sent to the targeted leads after configuring the Targets option. Note that there are many options under Target to which you can choose to send the campaign to. Choose according to the nature of your campaign to proceed with the process. After this, you can add a filter for the Leads that you wanted to add to the program. Click on the Add filter option and add a filtering option from the drop-down options as shown below.

Click on the filtering option that you want. You can search for the filtering option by using the search bar. Search for the filter and apply it and after that click on the Add new activity key as shown below to proceed.

The key will allow you to add a new activity, according to your marketing strategy based on the data collected from the CRM module on the new Leads. The Add New Activity key will take you to the configuration section to configure the activity as shown below.

Enter the Activity name and select the type of Activity. There are three activity types which include Email, Server action and SMS. The template option will change according to the type of activity that you have chosen. If you have chosen Email then it will be Mail template, Server action and SMS template. For the sake of explanation let’s continue with the Email template as shown below.

Create Emails with Odoo Templates

Click on the Mail template option and click on the Create and Edit option as highlighted below.

A new configuration page for creating a new template as shown below.

Here in the image given above the highlighted section depicts the templates that you can use to create and design your Emails. Give the Subject select a body from the templates given to use it. Click on the template to configure and use as shown below.

You can configure the body of the mail with respect to the chosen template. You can also notice that a new section has appeared on the screen towards the right as shown below.

The section is filled with advanced configuration options for creating the mail body that you envisioned. The section is filled with Blocks, a feature unique to Odoo that you can drag to the mail body to apply it to the mail. The blocks contain functions and features that range from Logo to Marketing contents and other intricate options that your leads can access directly from a single mail.


- Structure: The structure blocks concentrate on providing the basic structure of the website. You can consider them as basic building blocks with functions to add the basic relevant information. The sections include

1. Banner: The banner block will allow you to add a banner to your website. A banner is a form of an advertisement on the website. You can use this block to include additional information on the featured content.

2. Cover: The cover block allows you to include catchy headlines and subtitles relating to the headline. Use this block to attract customer attention.

3. Text-Image and Image- Text: This block allows you to add an image and text. You can use this block to write about products and services and add an image in relation to the written content.

4. Heading: Heading block basically allows you to give the tilt of your site.

5. Text: This block allows you to add text content. You can write about products or anything under this block.

6. Numbers: You can use the numbers clock to display products on numbers or contents under numbers.

7. Picture: The picture block will allow you to add a picture along with subtitles and catchy headlines on the pictures.

8. Columns: The columns block will allow you to add three features. You can use these blocks to add three major features to your products or services.

9 Big Boxes: You can use these blocks to highlight important contents or products in two major-sized columns.

10. Features: With the feature block you can add three important features to anything.

11. Masonry: With this block, you can have an image and four sections to add the content.

12. Image Gallery: With this block, you can add multiple images as a gallery for the users to view.

13. Images wall: Use this Block to display a set of images on the website together.

14. Carousel: You can use this block to present content on your website in a slide shown format.

15. Media list: With this block, you can add media heading or event headings.

16. Showcase: You can use this block to showcase products and product features.

17. Parallax: This block allows you to make the contents of the website move at different speeds when the user scrolls down or up. Continue reading on:



Sebastian Stan
Odoo Customization

Ma by Research in English at University of Bucharest, early modern literature, #history, #photography, #books, #birds, #beekeeping, #Blogger and #music!