A Guide to Keras, ggplot2 for Graphs, Open-Source Best Practices, and Jobs

ODSC - Open Data Science
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4 min readFeb 4, 2022

The ODSC Warmup Guide to Keras

In this free guide, we walk you through some core aspects of Keras, including a general overview, jobs that use Keras, key terms, and more.

ggplot2: a Framework for Thinking with Graphs

See how you can use ggplot2 for making high-quality data visualizations.

Open-source Best Practices in AI

Here, the authors propose a few simple open-source best practices that any business can easily implement.

How Data Versioning Can Be Used in Machine Learning

Data versioning can be quite beneficial for data repeatability, trustworthiness, compilation, and auditing. Here’s how you can use it in machine learning.

Emily Dickinson and the Meter of Mood: An Experiment in Text Analysis

This is a unique study of a famous poet’s enigmatic poetry to determine seasonal sentiment patterns.

20 Data Engineering Platforms & Skills Needed in 2022

We looked at over 18,000 resumes, and here are the most in-demand data engineering platforms and skills for 2022.

Study Finds Novel Method of Resolving JPEG Compression Defects in Computer Vision Datasets

JPEG compression defects lead to poor-quality images full of noise. However, this new study has found a solution to this problem.

Experience 2 days of talks, keynote speakers, and expert-led workshops at the leading data science training conference for just $449.

Register by Friday for 60% Off.

6 Business-Friendly Data Analysis Solutions

In this article, we’ll look at 6 data analysis solutions that can be very beneficial for any and every of your business happenings.

Announcing the ODSC East AI Startup Showcase & Lab

Check out the AI Startup Showcase and Lab coming to ODSC East 2022, which will center on providing AI startups with the opportunity to connect with VC and more.

ODSC East 2022 Call for Volunteers

Become a valued part of the ODSC Community and connect with an incredibly motivated group of data science enthusiasts — and attend the event for free in exchange.

Ai+ Highlight of the Week: Evolution of Efficient and Robust AutoML Systems

In this talk, Frank Hutter discusses the technical methods behind recent progress towards robust and efficient AutoML systems. After a brief recap of the early AutoML systems Auto-WEKA and Auto-sklearn, he discusses the next generation, Auto-learn 2.0 and Auto-PyTorch.

Lightning Interview: “Ace the Data Science Interview”

Fri, Feb 4, 1:00pm EST

Want to ace your upcoming Data Science job interview? Learn how to best prepare for data job interviews, and hear Nick’s contrarian job hunting tips that led him to work at Facebook, Google, and an ML startup.

Medical Imaging with Azure Machine Learning

Tue, Feb 8, 2022 12:00 PM — 1:30 PM EST

The purpose of this session is to demonstrate how Azure Machine Learning can be used to support medical imaging and other use cases in areas like data and model management, deployment, experiment tracking, and explainability.

ODSC East Bootcamp Warmup: Data Literacy

Tue, Feb 15, 2022 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM EST

Whether you are looking to upskill or reskill in AI, this first session in a three-part series is a must-attend. In this tutorial, you will discover how to use data to take advantage of trends.

How to set up an ML data labeling pipeline: best practices and examples

Tue, Feb 22, 2022 1:00 PM — 2:00 PM EST

In this session, Magda Konkiewicz will show you how to build data labeling pipelines through crowdsourcing.

Managing Spatiotemporal Data Fusion at Scale Using The Geodesic Platform

Tue, Mar 1, 2022 2:00 PM — 3:00 PM EST

In this talk, we discuss how SeerAI leverages Pachyderm to ensure full traceability on their decentralized spatiotemporal data lake as well as reliable tracking and management of large-scale machine learning pipelines.

Introducing Quine: A Streaming Graph for Modern Data Pipelines

Thu, Mar 3, 2022 1:00 PM — 2:00 PM EST

In this talk, we will explain how Quine works under the hood, discuss some of the interesting and brain-bending challenges the team had to confront in order to create it, and show some uses cases to illustrate why it’s important for modern data pipelines.

ODSC East Bootcamp Warmup: AI Literacy

Tue, Mar 15, 2022 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM EDT

This tutorial will focus on our AI Literacy Glossary so you can understand the key terminology when communicating with AI experts.



ODSC - Open Data Science

Our passion is bringing thousands of the best and brightest data scientists together under one roof for an incredible learning and networking experience.