Algorithmic and Human AI Guardrails, Deep Reinforcement Learning in the Real World, and Setting Up Text Processing Models for Success

ODSC - Open Data Science
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5 min readMay 16, 2024
How To Succeed in AI With Algorithmic and Human Guardrails

This article bridges the various conversations around guardrails into one holistic vision, discussing both algorithmic and human AI guardrails.

ODSC East 2024 Keynote: DeepMind’s Anna Goldie on Deep Reinforcement Learning in the Real World

Watch this ODSC East 2024 keynote by DeepMind’s Anna Goldie as she discusses the power of reinforcement learning in chip design and LLMs.

ODSC East 2024 Keynote: Carolyn Rosé on Setting Up Text Processing Models for Success

In this Keynote from ODSC East 2024, Carolyn Rosé discussed new techniques that allow for the leveraging of LLMs in their approaches to text mining and conversational data mining.

Podcast: DBRX and Open Source Mixture of Experts LLMs with Hagay Lupesko

In this podcast, we speak with Mosaic ML’s Hagay Lupesko about Mixture of Experts and their new DBRX LLM.

Data Management Principles Underpinning the Use of Terraform Remote Backend

Here’s a look at how data management principles are at play in IaC management with Terraform, especially with a remote backend involved.

Webinar: Improving RAG outcomes with your unique enterprise data

May 30th, 2024

In this webinar, Snorkel AI co-founder and CEO Alex Ratner will share his insights into emerging AI practices and the future of enterprise adoption. He will be joined by principal research scientist Chris Glaze and Generative AI product lead Marty Moesta who will discuss the latest research in RAG tuning and demonstrate how to apply it via AI data development techniques.

ODSC West returns to the heart of Silicon Valley Oct 29th-31st, and we are bringing AI thought leaders, renowned instructors, and experienced practitioners to share their expertise on AI in robotics, ML/DL, LLMs, gen AI, and more! Register by Friday for 75% off!

Industry, Opinion, Career Advice

A Recipe For AI Strategy

An AI strategy is a framework that will help the organization understand what data-driven projects and data sources are the most valuable to the organization.

Getting Up to Speed as a New Data Science Manager — an Optimization Problem

What goes into starting a new leadership or management position in data science, and how do you optimize existing processes?

Data Science & AI News

ODSC’s AI Weekly Recap: Week of May 10th

This week’s AI Weekly Recap is all about Wayve’s billion-dollar investment, OpenAI’s new search engine, and TikTok’s AI labeling. Sign up here to get this as a newsletter every Friday morning.

Elon Musk Shares Skepticism Through the AI Hype

Elon Musk recently remarked at the Milken Institute Global Conference on issues related to AI through a lens of skepticism.

TikTok Implements New AI Content Labeling System

TikTok announced on Thursday that it will start labeling content created using AI that has been uploaded from external sources.

Report States OpenAI Will Release Search Engine to Compete Against Google

OpenAI has its sights on Google’s search engine dominance as the company is set to announce its new AI-powered search product next Monday.

New AI Image Detector Tool Being Developed by OpenAI

OpenAI has announced the launch of a new AI image detector for images generated by its advanced text-to-image generator, DALL-E 3.

ODSC Highlights

ODSC East 2024 Recap in Pictures

ODSC East 2024 is now in the history books! Here’s a recap of what the event was like, including pictures, session highlights, and some exciting surprises!

Announcing ODSC West 2024 and the New AI for Robotics Track

We’re happy to announce ODSC West 2024, coming to San Francisco this October 29th-31st! Learn more about what to expect from the event here, including info on our first-ever AI for Robotics track.

New Podcast Episode: Training and Deploying Open-Source LLMs with Dr. Jon Krohn

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Jon Krohn about the life cycle of open-source LLMs. Jon is a co-founder and chief data scientist at the machine learning company Nebula. He is the author of the book Deep Learning Illustrated, which was an instant #1 bestseller and was translated into seven languages. Spotify | SoundCloud | Apple

Video of the Week: Semantic Search with Nils Reimers

Uncover the power of semantic search with Nils Reimers in his enlightening talk, “Semantic Search.” Move beyond the limitations of traditional lexical search systems, which often fail to retrieve relevant results, leading to user frustration. Discover how pre-trained transformer networks have revolutionized search capabilities, enabling dramatically better outcomes with minimal effort.

Upcoming Webinars and Meetups:

How to Reduce LLM Costs by 98%: Practical, Scalable Solutions

Wed, May 29, 2024 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM EDT

In this webinar, we will cover advanced techniques for leveraging the full power of Large Language Models (LLMs) while adhering to a reasonable budget. We work with many data scientists who have successfully demonstrated the potential of GenAI technology, only to find themselves encountering significant obstacles when it comes to cost and efficiency at production scale.

Time-Series Databases for AI: Enabling Trend Analysis, Anomaly Detection, and Accurate Predictions

Thu, May 30, 2024 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM EDT

This session will consider why it’s essential to look at a time series database when working with ML and AI, how they differ from other databases, and factors such as scalability, data ingestion and storage capabilities, advanced analytics support, and integration capabilities.

Hybrid Intelligence: Accelerating End-to-End Financial Processing and Reporting with Pre-Trained and Custom ML Models

Tue, Jun 18, 2024 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM EDT

Speed and accuracy of processing and reporting are paramount in the financial services industry, yet the sector has been slow to fully embrace emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to significantly enhance these processes. This webinar introduces an innovative approach to overcoming these obstacles



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