Multimodal Retrieval Augmented Generation, Text-to-Video Generative AI Platforms, and the Future of AI Investments

ODSC - Open Data Science
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4 min readMar 7, 2024


Getting Started with Multimodal Retrieval Augmented Generation

Let’s explore why RAG is important and how it bridges the gap between LLMs and external knowledge.

The Future of Data Engineering Goes Through Data Contracts

Data contracts define a link between the data producer and one or more consumers of the data. It also links a logical world, dear to architects, and an implementation world, loved by engineers.

6 Text-to-Video Generative AI Platforms Worth Using in 2024

Let’s take a look at some text-to-video generative AI platforms that have people excited and concerned about the future of video creation.

8 Ways that LLMs and Generative AI are Changing Hardware

In this article, we’ll take a look at how the AI hardware game has changed, what new demands have arisen, and where the industry is moving towards.

Podcast: Large Language Models — Strategies and Best Practices with Sinan Ozdemir

In this podcast with Sinan Ozdemir, we discuss common questions and challenges that arise when working with LLMs.

Podcast: Shaping the Accuracy of LLM-Generated Content with Outlines

In this episode, we are joined by Dan Gerlanc and Remi Louf from the new startup .txt to explore guided outputs for Large Language Models (LLMs) and their tool, Outlines.

Industry, Opinion, Career Advice

Where are AI Investments Going in 2024?

Let’s take a look into some of the biggest AI investments we’ve seen in 2024 so far, and maybe, we’ll be able to guess who may be able to catch lighting in a bottle.

Take a deep dive into Machine Learning, NLP, Large Language Models, Generative AI, MLOps, and more with 250+ experts, core contributors, and practitioners shaping the future of AI.

Register by Friday for 40% off!

Early Tremors: Assessing Generative AI’s Emerging Impact on Jobs and Incomes

This article examines an early study analyzing how the release of the AI writing tool ChatGPT impacted freelance writers on Fiverr.

Data Science & AI News

ODSC’s AI Weekly Recap: Week of March 1st

In this week’s AI Weekly recap, Texas A&M joined the AI Consortium, Google called a model’s bias unacceptable, Apple shuttered its electric car program, and more.

Swiss National Science Foundation Sets Ethical AI Use Standards for Researchers

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has set a stance on its position concerning the deployment of AI by researchers.

Texas A&M University Joins Consortium to Elevate AI Safety and Reliability

Texas A&M University has joined the Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute Consortium to advance AI safety standards and innovation.

Mistral AI’s New Chatbot Looks to Rival GPT-4

Mistral AI has launched Mistral Large and Le Chat, in hopes of making a name for itself within the ever-competitive AI space.

ODSC Highlights

Looking Back on the Most Popular Virtual ODSC East 2023 Sessions

If you’re still on the fence about ODSC East 2024 this April, then check out some of the top sessions from last year’s event here and let our content speak for itself!

Don’t Miss Out On These Conference Exclusives From Our Partners!

A number of ODSC East partners have time-limited offerings for our community! Be sure to check them out and try out some new platforms & services that just might be your company’s new secret weapon.

Announcing the First Speakers for the 2024 Data Engineering Summit

Featuring topics like data-centric AI, Apache tools, and more, these are the first sessions announced for the Data Engineering Summit this April.

Weekly Recap Newsletter

Want to get a weekly digest of AI news from around the world every Friday? Sign up for our new newsletter here!

New Podcast Episode: You’re Probably Overthinking It. Demystifying Data with Allen Downey

In this episode, Allen Downey, PhD, experienced instructor, and expert in Data Science and Bayesian Statistics, will take you on an exploration of surprising statistical phenomena and how they’re related to real-life common mistakes like the base rate fallacy, length-biased sampling, and Simpson’s paradox.

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Upcoming Webinars:

Navigating the Ethical Landscape of Generative AI

Fri, Mar 8, 2024 12:00 PM EDT

In this interview on navigating the ethical concerns of generative AI, Michelle Yi, Board Member at Women in Data, will explore the causes, effects, and possible solutions for several of these concerns. In particular, she will focus on the impact of lack of explainability, legal and regulatory challenges, and how we move forward with this new technology responsibly. Additionally, Michelle may touch on how increasing diversity in the data science and AI community and industry can help address the issue of human bias in particular.

The Promise of Edge ML: Bringing Your Model to Your Data

Tue, Mar 12, 2024 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM EDT

This talk will explore the new opportunity in processing data with ML where it’s generated. We’ll discuss the advantages of edge ML, including immediate insights, privacy preservation, and reduced network demands.

March Davis Square LLM Meetup

Tues, Mar 26, 2024, 6:15 PM — 8:15 PM EDT

Join us in Somerville’s Davis Square for an exciting meetup featuring food, networking, and two informative talks on LLMs!



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