#9 Facts And Forecasts About Chatbots That Every Industry Should Consider seriously.

Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2017
Chatbots By ODYNS

Continued from https://medium.com/p/c30c32f055ac

· 47% of consumers are open to buying items through a chatbot, and 37% would buy items from Facebook (HubSpot)

· As long as they can get help quickly and easily, 40% of consumers don’t care whether a chatbot or a person answers their customer service questions (HubSpot)

· 67% of consumers worldwide used a chatbot for customer support in the past year (Business Insider)

· 38% of consumers worldwide rated their overall perception of chatbots as positive and 11% as negative (Business Insider)

· 48% of consumers worldwide said they preferred a chatbot that solved their issue over a chatbot that had a personality (Business Insider)

· Half of all searches will be voice searches by 2020. The voice market will grow from $1.6 billion in 2015 to $15.8 billion in 2021 (iProspect)

· Google voice search queries in 2016 were up 35x over 2008 (Search Engine Watch)

· In 2014, in 2014, Google found that 55% of teens and 41% of adults in the US were using voice search more than once per day (Social Media Today)

· By 2019, 75% of workers whose daily tasks involve the use of enterprise applications will have access to intelligent personal assistants to augment their skills and expertise (IDC).

In summary

Despite these make-or-break stakes, fewer than half of companies are currently taking measures to manage customer service over customer facing channels or are able to draw valuable insights from data available on social media profiles. Social media is a goldmine, with information on preferences, opinions and, in many cases, buying intentions readily available, yet only 40% of businesses are able to integrate Chatbots in social or CRM data for their customer analytics.

As we (ODYNS) always say :

For any business, chatbots are the only way to provide Pre-sale Guidance, On-sale Assistance and Post-sale Nurturing.

Industries: HealthCare Bots, Retail Bots, Hospitality Bots, Automobile Bots……

Deploy ODYNS Smarter Chatbots in your business today! Click Here

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Odyns™ is the complete solution for your customer experience management (CXM). Re-Thinking marketing technology with the power of A.I. #chatbot #BotsByOdyns