What happened with the solutions after Odyssey Hackathon 2019

Odyssey Hackathon
Published in
7 min readMay 22, 2019

Here’s how the teams have progressed since the hackathon in April. Don’t forget that you can connect with the teams directly through our community platform, to become part of their ecosystem and help bring their solutions to adoption.

Update June 23, 2020: note that the event formerly known as Odyssey Hackathon has been moved online and rebranded as Odyssey Momentum. More: https://www.odyssey.org/odyssey-hackathon-becomes-momentum/

At the 2019 edition of the Odyssey Hackathon, 100 teams have co-created new breakthrough solutions for complex challenges, together with 200+ experts, corporate and governmental challenge owners, key industry stakeholders, and regulatory partners. The 19 winners were invited to join the Odyssey Incubation Program to develop, test and launch their solutions (visit solutions.odyssey.org for a detailed overview of all winning solutions). All winners are currently busy developing their ecosystems and prototypes.

Get involved with the winning solutions!

Mobile Virtual Power Plant (Vattenfall)

HorsePower has pitched their concept to 10+ senior employees at Vattenfall and presented the concept at WeAreDevelopers, the world’s biggest developer congress. The team is preparing to present the solution at the Blockchain Expo 2019 in Amsterdam.
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The unimaginable but buildable (Nature 2.0)

Kryha built the proof of concept of the real-world solution. They’ve created a front end for the end users. Presented their solution at WeAreDevelopers in front of 10.000 developers and will showcase it again at Event Horizon in Berlin next week.
Looking for: motivated developers to help with building further the prototype.
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Habari is working out the AI part for crop loss prediction and risk assessment, developing their business strategy, and establishing partnerships. Habari is currently one of the finalists in the global biomimicry design challenge by the Biomimicry Institute.
Looking for: CTO to join the team; help with AI-design for the platform and back-end architecture of the login portal; collaboration for satellite/drone images.
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Privacy breach detector (Ministry for the Interior and Kingdom Relations)

Data5 had a meeting with the Dutch State Secretary for the Interior Raymond Knops to whom they presented their solution. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has also shown interest. Furthermore, the team has an appointment with the Dutch Kadaster.
Looking for: a party/organization to implement their application.
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Managing your own retirement plan (APG)

Tradysis has done a deep dive with APG, presented the idea to the APG board members and started the onboarding process for Groeifabriek (APG Innovation Lab). The v2 prototype is in the making.
Looking for: organisations who work with or need volunteers.
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Tradisys at the Odyssey Hackathon 2019

Safe communication of biometric data (KLM)

idShapers split into two teams (idShapers and airID) and both are continuing to advance their solution. idShapers met with KLM & Dutch Customs and scoped their 500-days vision. They’ve done a live demo for more than 40 stakeholders at KLM Digital Studio and have agreed with KLM on the next steps; started building a partner ecosystem around the solution and are preparing to raise funds for the POC.
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Sharing information on hazardous materials (IFV)

Edgica concentrated its efforts on the first stable version of the solution on transportation for hazardous materials, which includes both software and hardware components. The team is meeting the stakeholders (Dutch Public Safety Alliance) at the end of June in Rotterdam.
Looking for: partners that could help promote and implement the solution for the Dutch transport companies.
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Validated data during a disaster (IFV)

The Future Firefighters were accepted to YES!Delft Validation Lab. The team is now working on a proposal for a grand for Small Business Innovation Research and is about to sign a Letter of Intent with the Dutch Fire Service.
Looking for: technical partners with a proven track record in training AI; introductions to Public Emergency Services for their validation pilot.
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The Future Firefighters at the Odyssey Hackathon 2019.

Circular Exchange of Tokenized Assets (Radboud University & OCF 2.0)

Socialtec pitched at the SAP One Billion Lives, partnered with Novum (Innovation Lab of SVB), received support for writing a white paper by Engie, recorded the codebase to JS to improve testing, and “gave the Odyssey Hackathon trophy a special place at their office” (❤️️).
Looking for: help with mobile-oriented libp2p implementations; partnerships or philanthropists to unleash the potential of social value.
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A sustainable, secure and fair food value chain (Nutreco)

GoodChain has submitted their first proposal to Nutreco and is now working together with them to assess the opportunities for an initial pilot. The team has also initiated conversations with potential NGO partners.
Looking for: partners in the food & beverage, fashion and broader FMCG space with ambitious sustainability/social impact targets.
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Scaling wildlife protection (Masarang Foundation, PBNF, Odyssey & Ocean Protocol)

BerChain will present their solution on stage at Malta Blockchain Summit and EventHorizon Summit 2019. They progressed with their architecture & product development. The team has begun to collaborate with the Space4good team and WWF and is currently in talks with its potential prospects and partners.
Looking for: people working in or with CSR departments, sustainability consultants, data scientists, GIS experts, and philanthropists.
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Tokenizing the Odyssey Ecosystem (Odyssey)

Circularise had 3 workshops with Odyssey to establish ecosystem stakeholders, a prototype roadmap and funding possibilities. It added Milvum, Giveth, YES!Delft, Loyens & Loeff and BlockScience to its ecosystem. The team is working on a pitch to fund the ecosystem that further develops the solution. More about our approach to funding the digital commons through a new Protocol Investment Vehicle here.
Looking for: contributors to the mission of making commonized protocols economically viable, e.g. investors, developers, regulators.
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Circularise at the Odyssey Hackathon 2019.

A distributed data ecosystem (Kadaster, Dutch Land Registry)
VX Company has been in talks with Kadaster who is considering running a pilot. In two weeks, the team will meet with the other participating teams at Kadaster to explore their solution with the Kadaster specialists.
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Becoming an oracle (Dutch Chamber of Commerce)
ChainMix created a detailed product roadmap which will be reviewed with the senior members of the Innovation Lab of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. The team found their technical & business go-to-market partner.
Looking for: Accounts Payable Specialists.
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Government-backed protocol for digital permissions (Ministry of Justice and Security & Ministry of Finance)

The SOIL team (prev. a solid web) has produced a new iteration of their solution based on the feedback received from the health sector, got incubated at Code Catalyst (the incubator of CODE University of Applied Science in Berlin), and is now heading to The Hague for a meeting & design session with the challenge-owner.
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Cargo insurance protocol for the world (TVM)
Poort8 has submitted a proposal to TVM ( the challenge-owner).
Looking for: more parties interested in sharing their logistics data in the B2B market.
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Other Teams in the Spotlight

The team has developed a Digital ID product Didux.io and got accepted into the YES!Delft AI/Blockchain Validation Lab. It is now collaborating with “Team Focus” and has signed the agreement with 20Face.
Looking for: Data Protection Officers in insurance for validating their GDPR-compliant solution

Hanze Rocks
The team has continued its contact with the Fire Department of Groningen which is willing to become the test grounds for the working prototype when it’s available (expected at the end of 2019). They are in touch with the Dutch Association for Transport and Logistics to explore potential interest. Most importantly, Hanze Rocks got accepted in the VentureLab North, the acceleration partner of Odyssey.

Next Level (un)Conference — June 27

Each year, hackathon teams, partners and challenge-owners celebrate the end of the Odyssey season with an epic summer BBQ at the Next Level (un)Conference.

What happened with the solutions after the hackathon? What can we learn from that? What is your Next Level? How can we help to reach that? How do we want to grow as an ecosystem and how can we scale relevance and impact? Let’s explore this together.

The stage is open for everyone who would like to host a session on a topic they choose themselves. If you would like to host a session, email the title to Anna Atamas, Odyssey Community Manager (aa@dutchchain.com)

More about the event and full program: https://www.odyssey.org/next-level-unconference/

Event application: https://dutchchain.typeform.com/to/HVXy4N

Add event to calendar (June 27; 12:00–17:00)
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About Odyssey


Odyssey connects governmental, corporate, and nonprofit partners with innovative ideas to collaboratively address complex 21st-century challenges. We mobilize a global ecosystem of more than 6,000 members, among whom developers, creatives, startups, corporates, investors, governmental bodies, legal experts, regulators, scientists, and other key stakeholders. The past three physical editions of the event known as “Odyssey Hackathon” have drawn thousands of participants from around the world to Groningen, the Netherlands. The next edition, rebranded as Odyssey Momentum, explores the internet’s potential to unlock new levels of online collaboration and next-gen event experiences.



Odyssey Hackathon

The place where our imaginations meet to create together, connect, and tokenise adventures, quests, and journeys. Odyssey is developed on Web3 technology.