Dating Chinese Women — 5 Tips to help you build a Stronger Relationship

OE Match
OE Match
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2019

Have you ever wanted to date a Chinese woman? If you are a man you have likely been attracted to a woman from a different culture, and in this article, we will share with you 5 tips to help you win a Chinese woman’s heart.

1. Be Confident and Direct

This tip works for nearly all people, when you date someone, you should choose the locations and plan the date in advance. By handling the details, you’ll put your partner at ease and show her that you are a man that can take care of her and in the future the family that you’ll build together. Which sedge ways into our next tip.

2. Can you accept serious conversations on the first few dates?

Discussions for future plans for events like weddings and meeting the parents happen sooner in Asia and this timeframe is one of the most significant cultural differences between western and eastern singles. For many from the United States, these conversations might not come up for months or until you are a “serious couple,” but in Asia, chances are that you’ll be facing these questions within a few dates.

If you can be accepting and understand that in Asia, especially in the late 20s, dating is a path to marriage. You’ll show your partner that you know not only her culture, but that you are willing to commit to being with her and her family.

3. Respect your Girlfriend’s Parents

This should go without saying, but especially in Asia, parents are very influential in their children’s lives. Often if a mother disagrees with her daughter’s choice in a boyfriend, her daughter will break off the relationship. This all ties in with the Chinese concept of Xiao Xun (Filial Piety) and is hard to fully understand until you have been in a relationship with a Chinese single.

So when you do date a Chinese woman be sure that you treat her parents and grandparents extremely well, as they often hold the true power in deciding the fate of your relationship.

4. Learn to Take Good Photos

Chinese society is very social, and many Chinese singles will have accounts on services such as WeChat and Weibo, which are similar to Facebook Messenger and Twitter for those of us outside of China. If you learn the basic principles of taking great photos, you’ll be able to help your partner create popular posts for her social media accounts, and this can be appreciated.

Another consideration is that if you know that your girlfriend enjoys taking photos, then you can choose outings that are designed for photo opportunities and focus on new/unique events.

5. Be Generous with Money

The topic of money is a taboo subject for many relationships. However, considering how serious relationships with Chinese singles can become, it’s essential to explain how finances are viewed in China.

When you decide to be with a Chinese woman and begin dating, you are usually on the path to a long-term relationship and traditionally wives will expect to control the family finances or at the very least expect you to pay for purchases during outings. This willingness to spend money on their girlfriends for item purchases during excursions is typical for Chinese men but may be at odds with how dating finances in the west. So while we believe that you should discuss finances and agree upon a dynamic that works for you and your date, we want you to know the standard that most Chinese women have come to expect from their partners.

And if you are looking for a great Chinese match — We would love to have you join us at OE Dating. Our Chinese singles are attractive, educated, and looking for long-term love. If you’re looking for a life partner, this could be the app you’ve been waiting for.

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