What are the best places to meet Asian women online?

OE Match
OE Match
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2019

Meeting women online seems to be easy as there roughly as many women born into the world as men according to Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sex_ratio), however when we open Tinder and OkCupid we find that it’s getting harder to get a human response. Many of these apps are filled with profiles that are rarely online or don’t give you a chance to start a conversation.

What are the best places to meet Asian women online?

There are several reasons why it’s difficult to meet women on dating apps as a male member here are some of the main ones:

1) Women receive more messages than men — (https://theblog.okcupid.com/a-womans-advantage-82d5074dde2d) This info comes to us courtesy of the OKCupid blog and shows that most women have more options when it comes to dating apps.

2) Fake Profiles — Just like many online accounts can be opened by bots. Unverified online dating profiles on services like Tinder offer companies a great opportunity to advertise to you, but do not increase your chances of meeting a woman online.

3) Catfishing — Sometimes chatting with an unverified profile is a way to connect with another man. Not all online daters are honest and it’s never fun to learn that the beautiful single you’ve been chatting with for the past few months is actually a man in Nigeria named Fred.

Some things you can do to improve your Profile

We’ve covered this is in other articles, though it’s good to note that some of the reasons why you may not be getting as many matches is due to your profile. It helps to have a profile that is:

1) Completely filled out and expresses your personality instead of generic information.

2) Has a profile photo without any other people in the image and the person in the image is wearing a shirt.

3) Has uploaded multiple photos.

Completing the following steps will get your profile ready to receive more matches on most dating services that you use.

So how can you meet real women online?

One way is by joining an app that includes video verifications with each profile like OE Dating. This a different type of mobile dating app that you can use to meet verified members. The majority of OE Dating members are Asian women looking for western partners. If you are ready to chat with Asian women then OE Dating is one of the best apps to meet your future mate.

You have the ability to meet many new singles all over the internet, however we believe it’s important to find services that emphasize verified and safe dating. A service we can recommend in addition to OE Dating is eharmony.

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OE Match
OE Match

OE Match is the dating app for meeting Asian singles. Here you can build long-lasting relationships with Asian singles from across the world.