How to Become a Pro Essay Writer in 5 Steps

English Teaching Jobs
Published in
5 min readOct 3, 2019

Have you ever struggled with writing an essay? We sure have. Even if the subject seems interesting, and, in theory, you know what to write about, the words just do not come together the way you’d like them to. We know the feeling. Fortunately, there are so many ways you can turn essay assignments into an actually enjoyable way of spending time.

EssayShark professionals have shared some of their suggestions that will help you become a better essay writer than you ever thought you could. Are you ready to write your essays like a real pro from now on? Let’s go over these five basic steps.

1. Be Organized

This rule applies to many aspects of your writing. First, be sure not to procrastinate. Leaving everything to the very last moment may seem as not a bad idea, and you may even hope to catch some inspiration an hour before the deadline, but let’s be real, has a sense of being in a hurry ever helped anyone? Not really. The more time you have for an essay, the more chances you have to improve your writing.

Second, organize your working space. Whether you’re jotting some ideas down in your notebook or typing on your laptop, be sure that nothing is distracting you. Declutter your desk and open the window to let some fresh air in. Try not to take the laptop into your bed, as chances are you’ll go on a deep dive down the Internet or decide to take a nap. Either way, not much essay writing will probably occur.

Lastly, organize the structure of your essay. If you know what you’ll be writing about next, you will know how to develop thought and how to finish a paragraph. Also, do not forget that structured pieces of writing are more comfortable for the audience to comprehend. But what exactly do you have to do to make sure your writing is well-structured?

Do you know the feeling of being stuck mid-paragraph because you do not know what else to write about? Having an outline will do wonders for your essay. As simple as that, crafting an outline might basically become a roadmap for your piece. It’s not only convenient and easy for knowing what exactly you’d be writing about but also accessible for navigation throughout an essay.

By keeping the outline short and focused, you might even come back to it and revise it accordingly. From a certain perspective, an outline is a sign of mastery in terms of writing. So, you might even craft a coherent and simple outline for its further use without any trouble. By doing so, you’ll be able to write an essay without getting distracted by any additional ideas that arise during the process of writing itself. Clarity, coherence, and straightforwardness in terms of crafting an outline are something that should be considered.

After you’ve efficiently schemed a brief outline, you might even go ahead and try writing a brief introduction. Go ahead; a perfect outline is something that should be fostered in your next written assignment.

3. Know What You’re Writing About

Obviously, the most competent essay writers might craft an essay on a topic literally unknown to themselves. Sometimes, writing a complete mess is the only option to avoid 0 marks for not delivering a paper on time. But if you’re truly seeking a road toward becoming a pro essay writer, you should research each and every topic you’re going to write about. Although you might craft a written piece even without doing proper research. But how the target audience would perceive your text, and yourself, individually?

In order to omit a complete failure while crafting your essay, you should prepare yourself for a dull process of preliminary research. However, you should keep in mind that analysis might take various forms, ranging from the review of research articles to skimming through analytical web articles. Regardless of what’s your specific attitude towards the research process, don’t forget about its importance not to fail in front of your audience.

4. Keep Your Audience in Mind

Speaking of the audience, you should always think about it twice. In some essay assignments, you’d most likely be asked to address a narrowly specialized audience. Alternatively, some tasks require a broad audience to be addressed. One of the adequate solutions in terms of understanding your audience is to review the guidelines. If a specific notion concerning the audience is missing, don’t hesitate to contact your instructor ASAP.

By doing so, you’d omit the common mistakes, at the same time, develop a strong sense of understanding the primary audience. From this point of progress in essay writing, you might call yourself a real pro. By paying attention to the audience in each and every written piece, you’d reach whom it may concern easily.

5. Proofread and Revise

Yeah, proofreading might seem as being among the dullest tasks ever when it comes to essay writing. What could be worse than wasting time double-checking your content after five hours of consecutive writing? Receiving point deductions, of course. The problem of the vast majority of essay writers is that they lack attention to double-checking and proofreading. We commonly advise you not to be that lazy and pay attention to what you’ve already written.

Obviously, you’d spot at least a few mistakes after each consecutive proofreading. Always remember the golden rule of re-reading anything you included in your essay. Only by keeping in mind this rule, you’d be able to deliver error-free and generally flawless articles efficiently.

It doesn’t seem too complicated, right? The next time you get an essay assignment, keep in mind these easy steps and tips for writing like a pro. Remember that every learning process takes time, and it is likely that your first essay will not turn out exactly how you want it to be. We all know that practice makes perfect, and the same rule applies to writing as a whole. Good luck on your journey to becoming an essay pro!



English Teaching Jobs