joyeuses valetines à mes amis

happy valentines to my friends

Amelia Head
3 min readFeb 14, 2018


Photo Credit: Amelia Head. April, 2017.

Ah the day couples share their love for each other has come around yet again; but for the past two years its been a day I celebrate with my girl friends. As being a uni student with my boyfriend living in my home town, the long distance relationship is a huge part of my life. Although, for me the day has never really had any value. I’ve never been with my boyfriend on valentines day, and I’m one of those “you should show it every day” kind of people.

I won’t bore you with how I believe it’s a money making scam society tricks on us humans; but instead I want to discuss how much of an impact my friends have had on my appreciation for the day.

It all started when I realised I have to travel home for valentines day this year, as I am receiving treatment at the hospital for my Ulcerative Colitis (another story for another day). And honestly, I’ve been so gutted! I’ll be missing out on a movie date and dinner with a handful of the girls. At first it started as a joke, you know all being sassy, independent hoes but now I can’t imagine the night without them in it. I think it proves you can make the day whatever you want it to be. Society puts enough pressure on all ages about being alone and how the day should be spent.

I now realise I can’t imagine my life without my friends. Don’t get me wrong I’ve never been happier in my relationship, but I am a strong believer in balance and maintaining other friendships. I can appreciate how getting this balance can be tricky and being long distance can be helpful in that aspect, but I do believe it is the key to a successful relationship.

So whether you’re in a relationship or not, this applies to all, your friends are the most important people in your life. You get to pick them and you get to drop them, they make you who you are and they shape your life. They influence you and you influence them. You also get to pick how many of them you want, which is nice depending on how much drama you like.

Something I have also learned is that as you grow and change, they will too. It’s normal for drifting to happen and it’s not a sign that you’re a bad person. I’ve struggled with that a lot over the years. I used to believe that the amount of friends I had, meant that I was a better and more valued person. I guess popular is the word I’m avoiding and for a good reason. It’s a whole load of rubbish. Making new friends is just as important, if not more, than catching up with your old.

Anyway, regardless of my love for my besties, spend the day shagging your partner, or out with your friends, with family, pets or by yourself. Do you and don’t let the day make you miserable.

