The Musicians’ Endless WIPs: Time To Release Them!

Simon de la Rouviere
Of Horizons
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2017

If you are anything like me, your music production folder looks something like the picture below. An endless list of half-baked melodies and ideas that will likely forever remain relegated to a corner of your hard-drive, never having the gift of gracing another person’s ears (no matter how good or bad it is).

Some of them were finished years ago, and never released (“I just need to re-record the vocals”). Some of them are just a chorus (“I don’t you think you understand. The fountain of youth is in my hand”). Some of them are attempts at remixes. Some of them you’ve completely forgotten (…and wondering why you never finished them).

It’s a pity, I feel. After spending time recently in a fellow musician’s studio, I saw the same thing. Snippets of interesting ideas that remain closed to the world. A creative spark, never to be lit.

Recently, I stumbled upon and gave it a spin. Just upon hearing the name, and seeing many artists on there uploading their snippets/clips/wips, I got inspired to do the same.

In the interest of not relegating my work to collect dust, I’ve decided to start releasing more of these works-in-progress. I get inspired by the creative process of others, and so I enjoy listening to WIPs!

Have a listen to some of the recent clips I uploaded!

I implore other musicians to do the same. It’s fun! Time to release the poor WIPs from their eternal silence.

