4 Reasons Why Hobbits Would Love Italy

And really. They’d be right at home!

John Tuttle
Of Intellect and Interest
3 min readAug 30, 2018


Photo Credit: John Tuttle via Viewbug. (All photographic work seen in this article is copyrighted by the creator, John Tuttle.)

1) Transportation

What is the most obvious quality about all hobbits noticeable at first glance? Their height! They are short in stature. Though not really small at all quite a few Italians are cramped into ridiculously small automobiles, some of which make our smart cars look like the new and enlarged model. Hobbits, being naturally short, would have no trouble operating such minuscule cars.

2) Agriculture

Italy is the land of fonts, of hills and vales, and vineyards and olive groves especially out in the countryside. But all Italians “have a love for things that grow,” as do Tolkien’s hobbits. Even those dwelling in the big congested cities have managed to have some sort of flora growing around them whether it be vines growing naturally around a street lamp, flowers on the windowsill, or even an expansive rooftop garden of an apartment house.

3) Food and Drink

While I was in Italy I had some of the best food and coffee in my entire life. Anyone who has read the novels written by J.R.R. Tolkien or the films directed by Peter Jackson knows that filling food and satisfying beverages are a big part of life in Middle-earth. And to hobbits, it’s just a way of life. When in an Italian city, there is almost always a store or restaurant within a block’s distance from another that offers wine and other alcoholic beverages for sale. I can imagine the hobbits would rather enjoy this.

4) Doorknobs

The doorknobs are a unique yet common thing in Rome. A number of them had a single doorknob but right at the center of the door just like those on the round doors of the hobbit homes in the Shire. If hobbits moved into the buildings with these doors they would already be accustomed to the natural feel of using them. It would be one thing less that they would have to fix.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on Of Intellect and Interest’s home site here.



John Tuttle
Of Intellect and Interest

Journalist and creative. Words @ The Hill, Submittable, The Millions, Tablet Magazine, GMP, University Bookman, Prehistoric Times: jptuttleb9@gmail.com.