How Unsplash Is Quickly Becoming One of the Web’s Hottest Sites for Free Photos

John Tuttle
Of Intellect and Interest
2 min readOct 7, 2018

As Unsplash contributor Josh Rose drew attention to in an article on his Medium account earlier this year, the stock photo site Unsplash has partnered with Medium. Now, a Medium author can frequently find a useful image (supplied by an Unsplash photographer) by simply using the search tool (after pressing the plus symbol) and typing in the term of a desired action, thing, or locale.

Unsplash provides their stock photos free of charge, and, at least for the writers, that is a beautiful touch. Most of the images are of fine quality. The site provides a well-appreciated and much-needed service. Unsplash has become a rather intimate part of the Medium publishing network. The stock site even has its own Medium-based blog, just as practically every other company does (eg: Netflix, Submittable, Reedsy, Nautilus, etc.).

Medium publications such as The Ascent and freeCodeCamp even make a point to suggest that their writers use Unsplash or a similar free photo site to reduce the occasions of copyright infringement. And Unsplash is definitely helping with the problem.

But the Medium platform is not the only publishing network which has discovered Unsplash’s great usefulness. In fact, quite recently, Vocal (a publishing site very similar to Medium in various layouts) teamed up with Unsplash. Now Vocal has the same free photo search capabilities as its competitor. Vocal’s staff reminds us of the significance of the free stock website: “Unsplash has been used in everything from Apple keynotes to the default theme shipped with WordPress.”

A Vocal blogger, like the Medium blogger, simply uses the embedded search tool to bring up applicable Unsplash shots, selects one, and situates it within the article. Despite its conflicting given name, I would say Unsplash and its generous and talented contributors are making big waves right now in the overall digital publishing landscape.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published here on Of Intellect and Interest’s native site.



John Tuttle
Of Intellect and Interest

Journalist and creative. Words @ The Hill, Submittable, The Millions, Tablet Magazine, GMP, University Bookman, Prehistoric Times: