England’s Teacup Poisoner | Case Closed #1

In “the name of science”, a guy poisons family, colleagues using tea.

Nicole Henley
Of Misdeeds and Mysteries


November 1961

In Northeast London, Winifred was given a cup of tea by her brother Graham that morning. She thanked him for it and took a sip as he left the room.
However, as she took a mouthful, the foul taste emitting from it prompted her to throw it away. Thinking nothing of it, she headed for work on the train.
An hour later, she started experiencing hallucinations and had to be helped off the train, and taken to the hospital.

After some tests, her doctors concluded that she had come into exposure to the poisonous Atropa belladonna.

Upon hearing the news, Fred Young confronted his son. In response, Graham pinned the blame on his sister, suggesting that she had been using the same cups for mixing shampoo. Not convinced, Mr. Young raided his son’s room for any incriminating evidence, ultimately coming up empty-handed.

Before he left, Mr. Young warned his son about:

“..messing about with those bloody chemicals!”

Fanatic for Poisons

As it turns out, Mr. Young’s son Graham had quite the very strongly recognized fascination with poisons since he was a young child, but this wasn’t even the first suspicious event involving strange ailments amongst…



Nicole Henley
Of Misdeeds and Mysteries

Writer of true crime, unsolved mysteries, and marvels of history. Lover of movies, books, cats, and anime.